You know, I thought this manga was weird and guite disgusting cause I haven't looked at it the way you've just represented to me. When you think about it this way, they're the most free people in the world cause they can show their deepest true colors to each other but still end up together. On the other hand it doesn't change the fact that this kind of relationship is twisted as f*.

I would probably move out... But interesting, huh? Well, it would be more interesting world if people just took off their "masks"... You know... all those hormonal and emotional acts on display for the whole society to see. Like rage fights or murders. Or sex on the streets... Well, it already happens sometimes so I guess we're screwed.

Yeah, we would discover all humans true selves - who is a sheep, who is a shark... for a few days. Because when the "society effect" ends (you know, the behavior that is requested from people to live in this modern society) fights occurs. And if everybody on the planet did it... then we might get an apocalypse...
Wow, I think we got really philosophical there. Especially with the last comments.
This has got to be the most REALISTIC awesome manga I've ever read lol. There love is exactly like my sis in law and brother. TOXIC ASS LOVERS. They went through the same crap and worse like these two and no matter how many times she leaves him or he leaves her they end up right back together. I asked her once why she told me that "No matter how much you HATE that person, when you know that no one will ever put up with your shit or know you like they do, you will always find your way back to them. Your just two fucked up individuals" lmao