Yeah I think Doumeki took the keys with him. The real question is why didn't he make any move to go to the back seat...did he accept the new power dynamic of sitting shoulder to shoulder with his former subordinate? Also Y didn't have anywhere he needed to be while he waits on chestnut and co. help him take down Hirata. I made some comments about my take on both Y and D's interactions in the topic...Im declaring this Yashiro's tsun tsun chapter...

Not that it actually matters, but I don't think Yashiro has driven anywhere himself for the past 10 years. He didn't seem the most competent of drivers, judging on the state of car when Nanahara pleaded to join him. He's waka gashira, he gets his subordinates to drive him. What was interesting was this change in dynamic where the boss sits right next to his subordinate in the car. Which isn't something we've seen Yashiro do so far, as far as I can remember. Such social norms seem to have been forgotten or not even acknowledged, by the two. Doumeki obviously wants them to be equals, but Yashiro not scooting back to the back seat to return to his more superior position was quite telling. Maybe we are looking into it too much, but this was another instance of Yashiro's behaviour to Doumeki being more "normal" in comparison to how he interacts with others....

That's an interesting observation, I hadn't thought of that. I'm not sure why he didn't move to the backseat, he did yell at Doumeki for saying "anata", so at that point he was trying to regain his position as the socially superior boss. Maybe he just didn't feel like moving or was nervous about being shot at again, he might move to the back later on, or maybe it does have significance. Yashiro may not be consciously aware of what he's conveying. He's probably focused on figuring out what he can say or do to make Doumeki leave. Doumeki took the keys so Yashiro couldn't leave with the car.

Some interesting points. From memory, the only other time he was shown to walk or sit beside Doumeki (as opposed to resting his head on his lap or asleep) was in the shower scene when Doumeki took his arm, and he followed him out. Otherwise it was the usual accepted role of either Yashiro sitting in the backseat, or when walking Doumeki was always behind him. I think on a more personal level for him, Yashiro has spent most of his life alone really. His interactions with people have either been through the dynamic of his status in the yakuza, or when he chooses to be physically abused. He's not really experienced affection or being considered an equal. I think he's just nonplussed by everything that's happened... the day before, there was a car scene where he told D to "move" and he did, but now the dynamic has been changed.

Yep, I forgot about that one! He even allowed himself to rest his head on Doumeki's shoulder, but before this he was dealing with overhearing Kageyama's words and looked rather deflated. Yashiro was still trying to assert his power dynamic, "I'm going to do this" "I don't care if you object" "Give me your shoulder" to paraphrase, but he still returned, the threats were empty, as has already been discussed. In terms of the car scene though, it could be likely that Yashiro hasn't actually driven himself anywhere, or sat in the front of his car, for maybe a decade, due to his high status. I guess from an imagery point of view, it was showing Yashiro in more of a civillian light, he doesn't think himself as yakuza like say how Ryuuzaki or Nanahara do, in terms of it being a "thug life" or a sense of family, but it's the only security he has had really, and he's not really been able to develop as a person outside of this bubble, nor the self-injurious and isolated identity he created as a child as a coping mechanism.

Thanks everyone for your comments! Some intriguing points and observations were made.
My original post was meant to express surprise at Yashiro missing one hell of an opportunity to disappear from Doumeki again. To me, it was "desperate times call for desperate measures" type of situation, and I wanted to see what Yashiro was capable of doing. Would Yashiro respond rashly or perhaps with some creativity? If Yashiro is hell-bent on separating himself from Doumeki (after all, it looks to me as if Yashiro considers Doumeki to be a serious threat to his (not so) well-being), it would not have mattered if Yashiro was an unskilled driver, only had one functional arm, or that he had nowhere else to go at that time. Hell, he could have just got out of the car and walked away in the pouring rain!...or tried to at least. The fact that Yashiro only settled for issuing verbal insults and engaged in some physical violence, yet remaining in place, to me demonstrated how he is at war with himself without even really realizing it.
Now, the power dynamics expressed in the way the two characters were seated in the car is indeed thought-provoking. I do agree with everyone in terms of how this could hint at the formation of equality between two characters of completely different rank. However, I believe that it would not have been to Yashiro's benefit to move to the backseat. If he did so, he would convey his desire for Doumeki to return, acknowledge Doumeki as his subordinate, and therefore acknowledge and accept Doumeki's existence, and this is something that Yashiro does not want to do. Right now, Yashiro looks as though he is trying to completely sever his ties with Doumeki and not associate with him anymore (thus no longer upholding the boss-subordinate relationship but instead, be presented as complete strangers). At least, that's how I would argue for Yashiro's decision to remain in the front passenger seat.

Just thinking about the cinema scene: This was probably the first time in his 36 years that Yashiro has ever went to the cinema with someone and behaved in such a close way. He's spent most, if not all of his childhood and adulthood isolated from such socialisation. Also, it was within the context of Yashiro trying to prove to Doumeki that he isn't the pitied 16 year old boy with family problems that Kageyama still views/presents him as. Overlooking the non-important details such as it being an adult cinema owned by Yashiro's group, them still having the boss vs subordinate dynamic, or Yashiro's weaponised sex talk, as that's just his front and coping skills, the actual importance was that he tried to do something "normal' like take Doumeki to the cinema, sit beside him, bring him a can of juice and then fall asleep on his shoulder. Basically letting his guard down and being more of his actual self, not just the "kawaii child" his abusive step dad thought him as, not just the "slut" that he uses as a weapon against those who demean him rather than admit the truth to himself, not just the "wakagashira" who gets authority. With Doumeki, he sits beside him, he is able to relax to the extent where he can laugh, or talk about more personal things, he uses him as emotional support, he is able to even fall asleep on him. For someone like Yashiro, whose only experience of physical contact has been violence, such moves are a step forward in terms of his emotional progress.
The contradiction between Yashiro's thoughts and actions (or lack of actions in this case) is simply astounding in chapter 32. If Yashiro is desperate to separate himself from Doumeki, then why didn't he (Yashiro) take off as soon as Doumeki left him alone for a few moments in the car. Even though Yashiro would not have succeeded in getting away most likely, but at least making another attempt would have shown that he is serious about Doumeki needing to stay the hell away from him. Did Doumeki even take the car keys with him when he got out of the car? Yashiro just missed the golden opportunity to slip away. Was that on purpose? Also, Yashiro's facial expression when Doumeki actually got out of the car and closed the door was rather interesting. Was Yashiro shocked by Doumeki leaving? For someone who just said "get out" to Doumeki, seeing that expression sure makes me question Yashiro's honesty.
Thanks Steve Scans Saezuru for chapter 32.