I've figured it out! Why reading comments bugs the shit out of me so much. It's two things...

Mameiha August 13, 2018 2:29 am

I've figured it out! Why reading comments bugs the shit out of me so much. It's two things. First, I am bothered by the fact that these people's parents have raised them to be such selfish, narrow minded, pretentious little shit heads and second, I feel like I'm trying to raise 50,000 toddlers out of their terrible two's! It really is exhausting. Only one in 50 or 100 comments from an under 18 reader ever sounds like they weren't raised either by wolves or by the Amish. LOL Actually, the wolves would do a far better job than some of these reader's parents have. How do you raise a child to 15, 16, 17, or 18 and not sit them down and explain that the real world is nothing like a fairy tale. I mean, that's the whole reason we have fairy tales, fiction and manga, because it gives us the hope that the real world robs from us. Otherwise, we'd all just lay down and die. We might find a moment or two, or even ten, in our lives when life feels like a fairy tale, but even that is temporary. That is why those times are precious. If we had that all the time, like we do as children, we would take it for granted. If a parent thinks they are doing their children a favor by sheltering them until they become adults only to boot them from the nest to fly at 18, they are sadly mistaken. In reality it is cowardice that compels their actions. They don't want to admit that the world is not "perfect" or "wonderful" and that they had no idea how to prepare their children for the reality of it without scaring the hell out of them. As a parent, I was willing to scare my kids with the harshness of reality and how the world would treat them as adults. I hated it, but I felt that I would hate seeing them hurt later much more. It sucked, but now my sons are strong, socially and emotionally stable and happy. When the shit hits the fan, they know how to get through it. They also know that their dad and I are always here to support them. There isn't much that life could throw at them that they couldn't handle. Which really bothers me when I see young adults so emotionally and mentally ill prepared to deal with real life. They deserve the same chance my kids got and yet, they were denied it. Why? Parenting isn't easy, to be sure, but that doesn't mean you just leave your kids without any resources or information because it is too scary, troublesome or inconvenient for you! Shit! They can't stay children forever and you can't hold their hand forever because no one lives forever.

That leads me to my next complaint/point of contention/point of confusion. What are parents teaching their children about love and relationships? Or, are kids relying on movies, TV, idiots on the internet, manga and fiction to learn about this subject? I guess when you are a single parent it is hard to teach your kids about relationships by example. Not that I have anything against single parents, I was one once. I had to cut ties with a lying, cheating, theiving, drug addict. Shit happens, life goes on. You could say I got lucky when I met someone whom I liked and not only did they like me back, but they loved my kids too. Except it wasn't all just luck. We weren't a couple without problems, to be sure. Yet, leaving or divorcing was never considered because the problems we had could never be bigger than the problems we'd have saddled our kids with if we were to split up. So, we worked through them together. We did it for them and for us. They were worth it and so were we. Why is this an alien idea to parents today? I'm not saying anyone should stay in a violent or abusive relationship to spare the kids because, frankly, you're not sparing them anything. You're making their life hell. However, getting divorced because you're bored, you're lonely, you're dissatisfied, etc is just selfish. Make that shit work! Get help. See a counselor. Ask yourself if you're the one who might need to make some personal changes rather than just blaming your unhappiness on your partner. Really search your soul. Partners are not like iPhones, you don't need a new one every 6 months to be happy. Teach your kids that relationships happen between two human beings with faults and flaws, virtues and dreams of their own. That relationships are always based on compromise. Show them how you and your partner work through problems rather than running from them. Show them that a relationship isn't about what you can get, but what you can give. You shouldn't love someone for what they can offer you. Love isn't for you. Your love is meant to make your partner happy, not used as a bargaining chip so you can get something back. Just knowing you have made them happy should be all the reward you need. If it isn't, well, you're doing it wrong. If your partner loves you in the same way, with only your happiness on their mind, they will already be doing and giving plenty. Sadly, it seems that no one wants to give unless they get something first. Which really puts most relationships on the skids before they even start. No wonder divorce rates and the rate of single people is so high! No one wants to be the first to give. Which circles back to not understanding that relationships are all about compromise. LOL

    afroluv October 3, 2018 2:41 am

    Ahhh you've just described the millenial generation. Tech had a hand in raising them and they can't interact properly with people.

    Mameiha October 6, 2018 3:35 pm
    Ahhh you've just described the millenial generation. Tech had a hand in raising them and they can't interact properly with people. afroluv

    Wow, I never really considered that as a reason for the idiocy. Seriously. My sons are also millenials and it never occurred to me to allow the internet to become a "babysitter" for them. It was, and still is, a tool to help me do my job as a parent, not something I push my responsibilities onto to avoid them. But you are so right! Now that you've said that, I can see how everything I said would come about from allowing children to be raised by the internet rather than raised by their parents. That is just so sad and frustrating. Kids not only deserve better, but they also need better resources than the internet can provide to grow up a fully rounded, socially and emotionally sound adult. Thanks for helping to solve one of my life's mysteries! LOL

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