Maybe it's true, it's common that people who work in the human-care service or who are in charge of disabled persons end up abusing them, I mean, it's so much stress to take care of us with all our personnality disorders here ( ̄∇ ̄")
In truth, I'm really wondering if I've not already seen 2 or 3 admin's posts the past months, they were always a bit angry against a post of someone else who didn't understand anything, they would yell at them and give them advice about functionnalities, or else they yell against the whole community about functionnalities that are not used correctly. Each time it was the same kind of anon-name they were using, something really boring... I'm here way too much.
In any case, admins are reading post sometimes, I'm sure about it.
Idk why but if you want to read it, here http://mangafree.online/20507/372109/man-of-a-virtue-chapter-1
sorry I didn't saw your post,
The author of MOV created an account here and contacted mangago admins to remove her work, but they didn't respond. They were indeed working hard on doing some changes here, so that some mangas could be blocked according to the country of the readers, like Japan and Korea (it's why there were a lot of people having the "404 not found" page I suppose?). Then the author thought that MOV was removed from here while readers from the rest of the world were actually enjoying their reading. But they were found out later.
I can't help smirking while I'm writing it, it coud have been a master stroke if it worked but if it's really the reason for the "404 not found", there were so many complaints from the readers , all that work wasn't worth it, it's not like MOV is the only cash cow here ^^
I cant seem to find man of a virtue anymore i didnt really stay updated in this website but any reason why?