Omg.... I've red the raws... I'm gonna die.... It's so sad it hurts my feelings...

Satantamere August 12, 2018 10:24 pm

Omg.... I've red the raws... I'm gonna die.... It's so sad it hurts my feelings...

    Sweetheart60 August 13, 2018 12:36 am

    Ikr? I've read the raws too, and I'm not ready to read it when it's translated. I'm still sad and scared of what Alex is going to say to DG. If Alex say something like 'I never want to see you again.' or 'I'm not having sex with you anymore, I don't want you in my life anymore.' to DG, then my heart will ache. T_T

    Satantamere August 13, 2018 10:56 pm

    Oh god I think i'll die if he says something like this.... But I hope Alex'll come to realise that DG is a perfect and beautiful person, and that he'll be with him the way he was when he was drunk.... But it's just a dream... I'm crying my heart out now