Dude... it's right there... in your face. The rape, stalking and manipulation, it all happened right there are you seriously wondering why people are creeped out by it and calling it out? I'm actually more freaked out by how some people walk over the rape and other fucked up shits and focus on the "cute and fluff" Hosik is literally being manipulated and groomed to sunbae's liking with absolutely no respect to his wishes or personal bounderies.

Lmaooo did you just... not read their comment or something? It's fiction. No living, warm bodied person is actually getting hurt. Hosik and the sunbae are not REAL LMAO. Are you new to yaoi or something? Do you go off on the comments section of every story that has questionable things take place? If you hate it so much at this early stage, then how about just not reading it and letting those that are mature enough to separate reality from fiction enjoy themselves? Move on w yo life

Seperating fiction and reality is an overused argument that actually doesn't make sense. It may be easy to say it but to do it is different. Fiction is directly influenced by reality, whether it be the romantic aspect, sorrow aspect, emotional aspect, or psychological aspect. Fiction and reality in its simplest definition is what's real and what's not, what has happened in real life and what has not. But how do you create a fictional story? Based on imagination of course, but the core of it all is reality. The author pulled ideas out of her imagination to create the plot, and the ideas in her imagination is what she knows from reality therefore readers will react and apply logic accordingly to reality as we see it. Fiction and reality will always be interlocked no matter what anyone says. If you were to actually seperate fiction and reality, you wouldn't be able to enjoy the manga. The romance in a manga is not real, why do you want the two MC's to fall in love and have a happy ending? Happy endings aren't real, why do you like it? The baby is not real, why do you think it's cute? In a "tragic" genre, the MC didn't actually die, why do you feel sad? The MC was raped, of course one's going to feel disgusted and angry and react. It's not as simple as puting fiction to one side and reality to the other, because if you can feel jittery from the fluff then you are already mixing reality and fiction and you're in no position to tell those affected by the rape to seperate fiction and reality. You like the societal rights of the manga, such as the happy ending, the romance, the cuteness, but you dismiss those who point out the societal wrongs? Take a moment to think about it.
Wow! People are really invested in this story and seeing the societal wrong of it. Yes, its great that a lot of you guys think that there are a lot of wrongs in this story if you translate it into REAL LIFE.
This manga is not real and no actual human is being harm. If you say, "well kids are reading this and will think that its okay" Well that is your parents responsibility to teach you what right and wrong is and not the mangaka. Your parents are responsible for you and should know to monitor what you are reading online. This story is obviously 18+