His name...

daisuga93 August 12, 2018 2:37 am

How do you guys say Lucaon....or whatever. Loo-kya-on??? I have been reading his name that way and I feel like it is wrong.

    yaoichic August 12, 2018 3:52 am

    I read it that way as well it surely can't be "Loo-cone" lol

    SimplySophie August 12, 2018 8:13 am

    I had the same question a while back lol


    LU - simple. Loo
    CA - like saying 'can' the 'ca' sound
    ON - like the word 'own'

    Since the webtoon is originally in Korean, try typing, or copy and paste, ' 루카온 ' in google translate to hear how it sounds. It's a bit difficult to find english words that sound the same as it.

    Panstar August 12, 2018 8:35 am

    Its Lu-Ka (Ka as in Car) and On. Lu-Ka-On

    daisuga93 August 12, 2018 4:18 pm
    I read it that way as well it surely can't be "Loo-cone" lol yaoichic

    OMG!!! Hahahaa! That is funnier than my pronunciation!

    daisuga93 August 12, 2018 4:18 pm
    Its Lu-Ka (Ka as in Car) and On. Lu-Ka-On Panstar

    That sounds way better. Now I can read with a peace of mind coz it has been months before I asked this.

    daisuga93 August 12, 2018 4:19 pm
    I had the same question a while back lolLu-ca-onLU - simple. LooCA - like saying 'can' the 'ca' soundON - like the word 'own'Since the webtoon is originally in Korean, try typing, or copy and paste, ' 루카온... SimplySophie

    I completely forgot it was in Korean. But then again I didn’t. Thank you!

    Pachinko Machine August 12, 2018 7:27 pm

    I just pronounce it luuk-ehy-aun

    Panstar August 13, 2018 4:48 am
    That sounds way better. Now I can read with a peace of mind coz it has been months before I asked this. daisuga93

    No problem (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    daisuga93 August 13, 2018 6:37 pm
    I just pronounce it luuk-ehy-aun Pachinko Machine

    Oh!!! Okay. I like yours wayyyy better!