Same as "A man like you", people just immediately call Alex a domestic abuser. Or their re...

V August 11, 2018 8:35 pm

Same as "A man like you", people just immediately call Alex a domestic abuser. Or their relationship is sooooo toxic that they should never be together. Relationships are complex and most if not all would have problems like theirs, ones where they have very diff viewpoints and personalities. Yes, their relationship is not equal but you do realize that people will never be on equal footing...EVER. You can get only so close to being equal. Jiwon clearly has the advantage but that doesn't make him a bad person; they just happened to be in the situation in which Jiwon has the advantage.

His backstory is supposed to EXPLAIN his actions and personality now, not to EXCUSE his behavior. That's why its understandable that he acts this way but UNDERSTANDABLE doesn't mean we AGREE with what he's doing. People in the comments are so extreme.

Those who are calling Jiwon things he's not, stop projecting your experiences/feelings/whatever has happened to your close ones onto him. You keep applying your own definitions of what an abuser is just because you have experienced it or someone close to you have. Those who have been raped or know someone who was or is thinking of the technical definition of rape, need to stop as well. This isn't some medium that's portraying REAL rape or domestic abuse. It's a fantasy portrayal of such things. Never said it was the correct or accurate portrayal, just that this is the author's vision. You guys are too caught up in your own feelings, that you can't read this without feeling super indignant or looking at it at a more neutral way.

Both parties(Alex and DG) are both wrong and both right. The things that Jiwon did are a bit controversial to say the least but he was never abusive. You can comment all the sad stories about how you've been abused or your loved ones have been abused but that doesn't mean he's abusive. NOT invalidating your experiences or belittling them but pointing out the projection happening. He may have hit DG once or twice but pretty justified in terms of when people are angry they may lash out in a multitude of ways. Sometimes friends hit each other when they're mad but afterward they're fine because they understand each other's reasons for acting the way they did. That doesn't make them abusive. Some of these commenters have their own standard of "No physical violence under any circumstances" but most people don't automatically call someone abusive for hitting someone else.

While we're at it, DG is a generally good person but he's also made mistakes like Jiwon. I'm talking about Jiwon here mostly because most comments are directed at him and calling him extreme things that he's not. I'm not excusing Jiwon of anything but instead just explaining that just because a character did a few things that were cruel or harsh, doesn't make him that thing. You all sound like you have the logic of if a dude hit a girl, he must be an abuser or he must be disrespectful toward women when you're not looking at the full picture.

Please take my comment with a grain of salt and don't cherry pick the statements and automatically assume since I said one thing, that must mean I think Jiwon was right or any other assumption. Please don't assume the extreme viewpoints as I have stated before. STOP blaming either character when both have done wrong and right.

    Anonymous August 11, 2018 9:00 pm

    Agreed. Both characters have done things to upset one another, and themselves. Having this simplistic attitude to characters like devil vs angel, isn't what the plot conveys, and it's not realistic to actual relationships either. Both characters fuck up, both of their motives for their behaviour are understandable. Jiwon pushed DG, this was after Jiwon asked DG to leave, but DG was so frustrated that he just had to goad Jiwon. Jiwon pushed him, was it a silly thing to do, yes, did it hurt both of them yes, but people are acting as though Jiwon slapped DG in the face. They are both grown men at the end of the day, they aren't little girls.

    kurarisu August 11, 2018 11:02 pm

    Sometimes, friends shove two dildos up your ass because they don’t want you to have feelings for someone else, but it’s not like they’ll ever act on the jealousy they feel themselves.
    Anyway, the other couple deserves more screen time than the first two. Yeah they’re both at fault (if you reeeaallly stretch it), but at this point this drama is lame.

    Leta Cent August 11, 2018 11:55 pm

    I really think you missed quite a few chapter where he raped DG just saying. Even in a relationship a stop and no should be taken seriously so yeah we have the right to call him names cause he is an abuser.

    lol August 12, 2018 12:36 am

    This person just won’t quit licking Jiwon’s ass

    Anonymous August 12, 2018 12:47 am

    tbh alex’s back story can’t really justify his asshole behaviour towards DG just sayin

    V August 12, 2018 1:07 am
    This person just won’t quit licking Jiwon’s ass @lol

    That's where you're wrong. If I'm licking anything, it'd be his dick.

    V August 12, 2018 1:12 am
    tbh alex’s back story can’t really justify his asshole behaviour towards DG just sayin @Anonymous

    Did you READ my comment? And which behavior exactly?

    V August 12, 2018 5:16 am
    I really think you missed quite a few chapter where he raped DG just saying. Even in a relationship a stop and no should be taken seriously so yeah we have the right to call him names cause he is an abuser. Leta Cent

    I think you really missed the point of my comment.If you'd like to be so serious and obsessed with the rape theme then go ahead. That doesn't mean they both weren't wrong.

    kurarisu August 12, 2018 11:58 am
    I think you really missed the point of my comment.If you'd like to be so serious and obsessed with the rape theme then go ahead. That doesn't mean they both weren't wrong. @V

    The theme really isn’t that bad. It’s BL, how many times have we been exposed to this shit? It’s just how you equate rape being as bad as DG’s misunderstanding because of misleading behaviour.

    kurarisu August 12, 2018 12:01 pm
    That's where you're wrong. If I'm licking anything, it'd be his dick. @V

    Did... you just take that literally? Do you need any help with understanding what they said because you did nothing but reaffirm being a Jiwon-sympathiser/biased.

    Anyway, this whole thing is fucken hilarious. Keep trying to suck a 2D character’s dick, I’m out muting this fugly thread.

    V August 12, 2018 5:32 pm
    Did... you just take that literally? Do you need any help with understanding what they said because you did nothing but reaffirm being a Jiwon-sympathiser/biased. Anyway, this whole thing is fucken hilarious. K... kurarisu

    It was supposed to be a joke because I couldn't take that person's comment seriously. You're triggered over a little joke. I only reciprocated in that way because the person answered like that.

    V August 12, 2018 5:34 pm
    The theme really isn’t that bad. It’s BL, how many times have we been exposed to this shit? It’s just how you equate rape being as bad as DG’s misunderstanding because of misleading behaviour. kurarisu

    Once again did you read my comment? I never once said they that rape equated to DG's misunderstanding. I even stated THEY ARE NOT EQUAL in their relationship. This was what I was saying, "Don't assume anything extreme just because I said a certain statement or omitted from stating something.

    V August 12, 2018 5:37 pm
    Did... you just take that literally? Do you need any help with understanding what they said because you did nothing but reaffirm being a Jiwon-sympathiser/biased. Anyway, this whole thing is fucken hilarious. K... kurarisu

    Its called SARCASM, which I don't blame you for misunderstanding because obviously you can't hear the sarcasm through a text.