Fanfic is generally not considered stealing. As long as 1) YOu don't claim the characters as your own and 2) You don't copy the narrative and dialog directly. That is to say, if you wanted to take the manga and write it in prose form, that isn't fanfic, but THAT would be stealing. If you wanted to write a story about, say, the kids, that is NOT stealing and is fanfic.
I'd make sure you include a disclaimer. Something like, "Neither the characters nor the world belong to me and are the property of Kurusu Haiji. All credit for those go to them."
MOST authors don't mind if you write fanfic of their stories as long as you're not writing the story as it exists and calling it your own.
-Signed a published author. :)
*waves* Hi! I just said that to maybe help put the OPs mind at rest a bit. (I *am* a pubbed author, so it's not exaggerated or anything). I just figured it might make them feel better about writing the story.
To the OP: IF you still feel you want to get permission, my suggestion is would be to email the publisher and ask them. They can either give permission or forward the request to the mangaka and get permission from THEM.
That said, as long as you follow the above advice (including @SH47's) then you should be safe. :)
Hey I was thinking about writing a fanfic about this manga but how can i get a permission from the mangaka? I mean without asking it would be stealing but I already said it's fanfic version of this manga? What should i do?