Perspective matters - And Ch. 42 up soon

Annapnp August 7, 2018 6:13 pm

Fact: You can't justify someone's harmful actions just because you're assuming that others could have done something similar if they were in his place, when it's clearly wrong. People are still responsible for their actions and should face the consequences if they're being toxic!

Skyler WAS a bully, that's irrefutable. However, knowing the reasons why he did what he did, knowing that he does regret it, knowing he is trying to make up for it (even though he still has way to go..), he has the opportunity to change and be given another chance by people.

That said, don't expect people who have been hurt by him to readily give him that chance before being convinced of his change and feeling they are ready to trust him again. In the end, I wouldn't fault Yeonduk if he decided to forgive him but just not involve himself with Skyler anymore. As I wouldn't fault him if he consciously chose to give him another chance after Skyler shows him he's changing.

    JPE August 7, 2018 6:44 pm

    Skyler never hit him and drew boundaries. Certainly, he was cruel. But he was thoroughly convinced Yeonduk was doing the same thing behind his back the whole time. If someone is shitty to you, and you do stuff back, it doesn't really seem like bullying, more like retaliating.

    So, I'm not as convinced as you that this is clear cut. I think things are a bit more morally messy here.

    maychan August 7, 2018 8:10 pm

    it's not that simple, like JPE said and Yeonduk know that it wasn't all Sky fault, and he wasn't that bad has you make him out to be.
    I seen worse in yaoi that were forgiven on worse things right away ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Annapnp August 7, 2018 9:04 pm

    Oh dear.. This goes to both of you:
    How MUCH of a bully Skyler was and whether what drove him to behave like that to Yeonduk was his presumption (key word right here) that Yeonduk was trying to use him and the knowledge that there are worse characters out there, in no way negate the effects his intentional behaviour had on Yeonduk.

    If you need further understanding of bullying, look up studies and testimonies, as it's certainly not limited to "hitting" someone. If you think that calling him a bully instead of saying he harassed Skyler to retaliate for reasons he never even cared to confirm and that doesn't sound "as bad as I make him out to be", well, then.. You do you.

    What the details of Skyler's side of the story matter for are:
    What he needs to do to face his issues, overcome them and improve as a person
    How he'll atone for what he did to Yeonduk
    How empathetic toward him will readers feel and whether our opinion changes alongside the development of his character

    P.S. Yeonduk has his share of responsibility for his own actions, of course. Never did I say the opposite.

    maychan August 7, 2018 9:54 pm
    Oh dear.. This goes to both of you:How MUCH of a bully Skyler was and whether what drove him to behave like that to Yeonduk was his presumption (key word right here) that Yeonduk was trying to use him and the k... Annapnp

    1. environment did matter in this story, like you seen when Sky was a child and with a good people around him, he wasn't a bully. so no, he wasn't just "turn" into a bully from his own choice's. his mother was a big factor why he did most of what he did and how he turn out how he did. yeas he is a grown up now and can choose what to do, but not when he was a child and was manipulated by his own mother that wish he was dead, that wasn't Sky choice. and he did suffer for it while he was an asshole to Yeon.

    2. what the best thing about kids and teens, that yeas they can change and grow. and Sky clearly did change. and he did face his past and yeas some of his issues are still there, but to be honest, after his great "mother" I would be surpise if he wasn't have any issues at all all of sudden. he did feel guilty and did try to change himself from how he was, but he is only human so yeas, it's not that easy to do overnight. expecting him to do all that overnight is not realistic. maybe you too hung out on his past, while I think we all need to move on cause he did grow up since then and Yeonduk grown up too since then.

    Annapnp August 7, 2018 10:10 pm

    Again, why are you replying to my comment with this?

    Didn't I clearly say that he CAN change from my initial comment? Just because we acknowledge that he DID something wrong, it doesn't mean we're saying that he can never change. Honestly..

    maychan August 8, 2018 1:43 pm
    Again, why are you replying to my comment with this?Didn't I clearly say that he CAN change from my initial comment? Just because we acknowledge that he DID something wrong, it doesn't mean we're saying that he... Annapnp

    you said in you originel comment that people are "responsible for their actions" while in this case, in this comic it dosn't really matter or valid if he is responsible or not, cause he was manipulated while he was a child!

    and yet he did took responsiblitiy for it after he find out the truth behind all of it.
    has for him been a bully, I agreed with JPE that while he was cruel to Yoen he didn't bully him like others did in this comic. that by the way, he kick their ass after finding out they hurt him without knowing the truth about everything yet. so yeas, has cruel he was, it wasn't a real "bully" in the classic word. since we see bully's by Sky side and can compare them to Sky action. maybe this is the reason they are there.

    Annakou August 8, 2018 3:01 pm
    you said in you originel comment that people are "responsible for their actions" while in this case, in this comic it dosn't really matter or valid if he is responsible or not, cause he was manipulated while he... maychan

    You lost your ground at "it doesn't matter if he's responsible or not". You are trying to justify retaliation and harassment, as if him being or feeling manipulated absolved him of his responsibility to not harm others? Your eye-for-an-eye mentality jumped out.

    What he did is still wrong, even under his circumstances. First step is owning up to what one wrongfully does, if they want to get better. That's part of the repercussions. Becoming a better person doesn't require us to pretend we never did anything harmful or that it wasn't a big deal, like you're so set on. Admitting to it and putting in the effort, people still change, which is what the character is doing.

    You can keep your "he's not as bad as others" and say it to yourself if you happen to be a victim one day, to test it out. Though I wouldn't recommend it, it doesn't help with recovery.