I cant find this manga and I've googled every variation to the summary I can think of. It's about this guy and he loves this princess chick and she loves him back and they're best buds, however there are these weird vampire zombie things and mc dude gets bit or whatever and now he needs to eat these life flowers to not transform into a zombie thing. Also main princess chick jas some powers i guess and a bunch of these half zombie people hang out together and save people. If anyone knows anything similar pls help me
I cant find this manga and I've googled every variation to the summary I can think of. It's about this guy and he loves this princess chick and she loves him back and they're best buds, however there are these weird vampire zombie things and mc dude gets bit or whatever and now he needs to eat these life flowers to not transform into a zombie thing. Also main princess chick jas some powers i guess and a bunch of these half zombie people hang out together and save people. If anyone knows anything similar pls help me