
MoonStalker August 5, 2018 1:09 pm

If you not bdsm lover, dont read this comment....
This is the best bdsm yaoi scene ever ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Omg, i love how Md made Chanwoo submit to him. It beautifulヾ(☆▽☆)

    JustAYaoiFangirl August 5, 2018 1:38 pm

    Hell no. He broke one of the main rules of bdsm. The only reason this didn't end their relationship is because he got lucky.

    MoonStalker August 5, 2018 3:49 pm
    Hell no. He broke one of the main rules of bdsm. The only reason this didn't end their relationship is because he got lucky. JustAYaoiFangirl

    Sorry but i don't think so... For me, first rule of bdsm is consent and Chanwoo did give MD permission because if he dont then he will not help MD with his video.

    JustAYaoiFangirl August 5, 2018 4:03 pm
    Sorry but i don't think so... For me, first rule of bdsm is consent and Chanwoo did give MD permission because if he dont then he will not help MD with his video. MoonStalker

    Keywords "with his video." The broadcast was over and the uke even said "What the hell...? We finished filming." and "You want more? But we're done playing... and I don't feel like it today." It's ok page 5.

    If you call that permission then I feel sorry for anyone you ever date if you take an interest in BDSM. Maybe you missed that part or forgot about it already and I do think that you probably do know that saying "I don't feel like it" is not giving permission.

    Sorry but you are just plain wrong. The only reason this isn't rape and abuse is that he got lucky that the guy was into it. However, this does not dismiss the fact that he didn't have good intentions. He was taking his anger out rather than having fun BDSM sex where both partners care about each other enjoying the act. In almost all cases the relationship would end or turn abusive.

    MoonStalker August 6, 2018 12:36 pm
    Keywords "with his video." The broadcast was over and the uke even said "What the hell...? We finished filming." and "You want more? But we're done playing... and I don't feel like it today." It's ok page 5. If... JustAYaoiFangirl

    I did miss that point so i will say i was wrong but bro please relax... This just a manga. Btw i just say my opnion. Dont take it seriously