Im so glad to see a post like this, Thanks for also noticing this. The slapping for no good reason was so unpleasent to see. I bet not even Jinno's mom slapped his face like that, so please lets understand that slapping people's faces is something you should almost never do yet Eichi slapped him two times, once because Jinno ->> asked <--- for a simple kiss, and then he slapped him again when he got a reply he didnt like. He acted like a spoiled child would when trying to solve their problems, Hitting people, running away, avoiding. An adult should always talk things out instead of doing those things. Was Jinno forceful in chapter 1? yes he was and it was wrong, but this do not justify by any means Eichi's actions in later chapters. It still was a good manga though, I would have liked it better if Eichi actually behaved like an adult should.

Phew! That was some post there, bud! IDK how much BL you read, but... Eichi's a pretty cut and dry Tsudere - so, *shrug*? I'm not trying to dismiss your concerns, because certainly, if life were like romance manga, Tsunderes would need therapy because of their shit communication skills, avoidance behavior, jealousy, and temper tantrums, and yeah - even physical abuse like slaps, pinches, head butts, face kicks, and the occasional punch are not off the table.
But - it's romance manga, and Tsunderes are a TROPE and Eichi's so textbook he's BORING in my opinion. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

all this tea, sis. i’m on,y continuing to read for jin because i love a caring seme but eichi is literally bratty.
i can deal with tsundere characters with absolutely no problem because they don’t always insult the love interest but eichi? he’s been a little bitchy since the start and he has no character development. poor jin. </3

i’ve been reading yaoi like basically every day for the past few years so i totally get where you’re coming from when you say it’s just a common yaoi trope to have a uke with a bitchy/effeminate way of dealing with things since its mainly written by females for females anyway lol.
i normally never even comment on mangas i read, idk why but this one just set me off sooo bad (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 in my opinion eichi is worse than just an annoying tsundere but i do agree his type is pretty common in BL so maybe i just have an extremely low tolerance for childish bullshit, irl and in fiction lmao ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

im just glad jin seems like the pretty self-assured type that seems to not let the opinions/words of others affect him drastically. in a way he does seem to understand eichi’s brattiness is just a front and he’s actually pretty needy but it wouldnt hurt for eichi to actually confirm that verbally himself now and then!!
btw, do u have twitter?? hmu if u do ;))

I wish i could dislike your comment more than once too bad I don't have that much time to create fake accounts just to dislike your comment. But it's ok, everyone has their own opinion hehe eventhough you missed a lot of point here. I think you ned to reread this manga to understand it better. I would agree if you said the uke was acting like a girl, all whiny and demanding but he also has a point here. Their relationship wasn't clear to begin with and lets not forget how Jinno assaulted him in the first chapter. But uke grew fond of him so he wanted to know if Jinno also had the same feelings turned out his answer was not like what he was hoping for. He was confused as to why Jinno would do all the H stuff like a couple even marking him (ugh I rly hate this though it's really hot but I still hate it) when they were not in a relationship. Not everyone likes casual relationship and so did uke. Jinno was the stupid one to begin with and that confession was so forced just cuz Jinno didn't want to "lose" our precious bleh. So yeah thats all lol. No matter what I say I think you will never agree with it since it's clear I'm on uke's side cause I know he is being pretty relevant. But then again everyone has their own opinion, so you too don't take it too seriously I'm just an anon on thee internet afterall heh :P and have nice day / evening / night, sweetie <3

IKR? he even mentioned that if he/she had time she would create fake accounts only to dislike your comment multiple times wtf???? Why would you do that lol it actually made me laugh hahahahhaha, thanks for this, anonymous you made my day!! Whenever I make a post I just dont give a shit about how many likes/dislikes I get, since Im only saying my opinion and I dont really care about how many of them agree or not, theyre free to do it so, imagine if we all had the same opinion?? It would be so booooring, I like when people's opinion about whatever is different from mine. I like to argue, I grow up by doing it, I learn new things though I must say that in really rare cases (like 1% of the time) when you notice that the person you argueing with is just way too immature and has literally nothing to add or just keep saying pointless/nonsense stuff then its not even worth argueing anymore, you just ignore and move on. But yeah I guess Anonymous-san behavior says something to us doesnt it? I mean a guy/girl that would create multiple fake accounts if she had time only to dislike someone's opinion is ,like she said, on "Eichi's side" lmao. ----This is-------> Btw Tsunami, like she said I also really think you should reread this manga in order to understand it better and then you should create fake accounts to dislike your own shameful post ROFL <------- a joke ------ XD XD XD
i know this is just fiction and a story for entertainment but i just cant help but feel like eichi is incredibly immature, selfish and even toxic.
he always jumps to conclusions and doesnt seem to know how to communicate his feelings like a mature adult. he seems to assume the worst of jinno's intentions without even asking him (apart from the one time he asked jin if he loved him then got pissed when he said he wasn't sure as if jin OWED something to him, despite constantly telling jin he hates his guts) then takes it out on him by throwing a tantrum or running away. like WHYYY DOES HE EXPECT JINNO TO BE ABLE TO READ HIS MIND AND CONSTANTLY CHASE AFTER HIM????
if i had to count the amount of times i've seen the word "angry" in this manga, it would be endless. he gets angry when jinno is overly forceful in showing his affection (fair enough), but then he gets angry when jinno restrains himself and only goes halfway because EICHI told him he was too lustful. he gets angry for no reason when jinno shows him attention or comes to talk to him (i swear he gets irritated at jinno for literally breathing near him) and then he gets angry when he talks to other girls or his ex girlfriend. it seems like he'll literally never be content no matter what jinno does for him.
and is it just me, or is he totally patronising?? he's in love with jin and yet acts like that's somehow still jin's fault, constantly saying he's disgusting/a pervert/and downright "awful" - what the fuck? is that how you address your boyfriend? and fucking SLAPPING jin every time he doesn't get his way, that's borderline abusive. if it was the other way round i bet so many people would be calling the seme trash, scum and far worse things. i get that he might not mean those things and he's only saying that because he's embarrassed but in any circumstance saying just harsh insults to anyone is not okay.
the thing is, i would understand all of eichi's negative reactions if he actually despised jin and genuinely didnt want anything to do with him since their first encounter was basically sugarcoated sexual assault, i wont deny that. it's the fact that he's clearly obsessed with him, constantly sulking and whining no matter what he does, that it pisses me off to see him push jin away constantly whilst still expecting to be worshipped and showered with attention. he creates so many of his own problems because he condescendingly assumes jin is too dense or blunt to be able to understand his so called "subtle feelings" then gets angry all by himself.
ok, im going to stop here cos the more i type the more points i keep coming up with lol.
i'm probably reading way too into this but i think this couldve been a great story if only eichi wasn't so frustrating.
i'd be interested to share opinions with others who agree/disagree, and to anyone who read the entire of this psychotic rant to the end, you're a champion (≧∀≦)