Author-nim has me in the palm of her hands

Angy W August 2, 2018 11:32 pm

Back then I admit I was so pissed at Skyler that I thought that no matter what redemption arc he got I would never desire him to end up with Yeonduk ever again. I wished for him to be happy, alright, but I wanted Yeonduk with someone else that could appreciate him and care for him.
Well, now I am fucking sad for Skyler, I even cried when he cried, author-nim made it, she just plays with my feels as she wants. Her storytelling is so good. I can't believe I'm actually rooting for Skyler (though these chaps of him pursuing Yeonduk and realizing how a jerk he was in the past have been really satisfying).
Yeah, I just want the two dorks to solve the misunderstandings and be happy together.

    Angy W August 2, 2018 11:36 pm

    But well, I'd still be happy if Yeonduk ignored Skyler for some more time as it's still satisfying to read, I would be alright even if by the end of the story Yeonduk stayed with someone else or alone, but I guess I would be sad at the same time bc Sky is really getting to me omg