Change of theme maybe?

Raynal August 1, 2018 1:35 pm

I am so happy with how the story progress in the last five chapter. Well its certainly the most comedic story Ogeratsu Tanaka ever written, the few last chapter show how much potential the Yarichin Bitch Bu character can be developed if we remove all their crazy sex hijinks.

Some of my guess for several character backstory would be:
- Takemi do not love Itome. Its just one sided love on Itome side but Takemi probably date him out of whim and maybe Itome in Takemi eye is just a replacement for Minami senpai. I am guessing that Minami and Akisawa gonna show for reunion sometimes later.
- Jimmy is grown up in abusive family. His parent probably thought him that hurting him is sign of their love. Its just a quick guess from seeing his childhood flashback and how he respond to Yuri penetrating him.
- That Shikatani back story though. Like they throw the letter hint out in open in chapter 13 and the nosebleed hint in chapter 14, but that was far more dark backstory then what i expect. Like even with Yaguchi backstory was still fill with comedy here and then. I am also guessing that Shou gonna show up soon enough into the story.

    thumbcat August 4, 2018 1:27 am

    - Itome worries me more as obsessive, maybe even potentially dangerously so. Akemi seems like he's taking things for granted, bad idea with an obsessive lover. Itome and Akemi are definitely in an unhealthy relationship from all appearances, but sensei's work is full of "working" unhealthy relationships, so...
    - Jimmy's abuse has been clear for a while. That he was pushed off the balcony was new info. I don't think Yuri is trying to just be kind and sort of build his esteem anymore, if that was ever true. Damaged people are magnets for each other, and Jimmy speaks to Yuri on a level that no one else is at all.
    - Shou and the Chem Prof look awfully similar, don't you think? And Shikatani's "letters" never have addresses on them, maybe Matsumura is a friend or relative of Ueno Shou's family (only Shou's mom is shown, no dad in the family meeting) - so it'd be an easy way to guarantee your letters got there in some sort of monthly care package with a promised hand off. And an easy way to blackmail Shikatani into putting up with abuse - just promise to send the brother/cousin/son back videos of the rough gay sex to Shikatani's old hometown best friend and first love that he'd already traumatized once

    Raynal August 5, 2018 3:42 pm
    - Itome worries me more as obsessive, maybe even potentially dangerously so. Akemi seems like he's taking things for granted, bad idea with an obsessive lover. Itome and Akemi are definitely in an unhealthy re... thumbcat

    - Itome sure look like abusive boyfriend. For Akemi, i also have a theory Akemi is just too nice of guy to reject Itome confession. From all member of the club, its have been show that Akemi is the one who care most about well being of the other member (Of course that why he is the President). From his conversation with Toono, its clear that Akemi believe that a person can fall in love with the person they don't have any interest previously after they dating each other. I disagree with that idea like Toono but sometimes there is people that basically just except any love confession on him just because they felt awful at rejecting the said person. Akemi probably that type of person. He also probably still hung up on Minami senpai.
    - Its seem like Jimmy have strange fetish with pain and that probably have something to do with his past abuse. For balcony, its also can be suicide attempt on Jimmy side though
    - I doubt Matsumura is the father of Shou because i am pretty sure the man in flashback during Shou parent and Shikatani parent meeting is Shou dad. But there is possibility that he can be Shou cousin in that regard.
    - Regarding Shou being traumatized, i am kinda pretty sure that Shou is not traumatized though. During the parent meeting, he probably just still in shock from knowing that his best friend just forcefully kiss him (Well any straight man would definitely shocked after that incident) but he probably already get over it right know. He keep sending Shikatani letter even though he never reply his letter and he have this sad expression from his sentence when Shikatani leave the town. The problem on Shikatani though. He probably still hung up on the event and feeling guilty from it. That why he still not have guts to reply Shou letter. This problem can be solve if he take up his courage and go back to his hometown to speak up with Shou once more (I am pretty sure he not yet came back since he got admitted in high school, that why Shou keep sending him letter).

    Dettyna August 12, 2018 11:22 am
    - Itome sure look like abusive boyfriend. For Akemi, i also have a theory Akemi is just too nice of guy to reject Itome confession. From all member of the club, its have been show that Akemi is the one who care... Raynal

    About Shikatani, I also think he didn't visited his hometown since he started living in MoriHigh. While we know only if he would go back and would talk with Shou, only then he would reach conclusion in his situation, but damn!, I can understand him way too much, how frightened he may be to go back because there is a great possiblity that he would get hurt. It really a slim chance that Should would accept it. If this manga wouldn't be a yaoi then this is even less possible for Shikatani.
    My is bleeding for this poor guy.