This question has been asked over 83475264883 times.
And the replies are usually like:
1. I agree!
2. Me too
3.i hate omegaverse I think it's gross
4. I'm fine with that genre :')
5. Rape is fiction and it's the uke is rpaist too..etc you know the tea
6.both partners are rapists
7. Yaoi as a genre is disgusting
8. I hate yaoi
9. i read to see the babies
10. There's actually some cute omegaverse "insert example*
11. WhErES tHe BAbIes
And that's about it.

I hate how rape is treated in most yao I not just omegaverse. I think invaders is interesting to read because the alpha/ omega dynamic is an alternate universe metaphor for social privilege whether male vs female, economic class or colo/ethnicity. Anyway I keep a running list of non rape invaders here if you're interested... http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/334330/
Am I the only one who hates omegaverse and mpreg? Something about guys getting pregnant just grosses me out. And omegaverse kinda leads into that too. Also, there seems to be a lot of rape in omegaverse which is not fun at all. I don’t know, I just sometimes feel like I’m the only one who really dislikes these tropes. ( ̄∇ ̄")