truth be told, out of all thoses asses I love smart-asses the most. the grumpy and snarling at the world kind of, who fail and struggle, but suck it up like smart-asses (and don't whine because obstacles only disappear due to tears when you literally cry a river and that takes a godawful lot of time, and ain't nobody got time for that, right?)
So I'll just madly cackle and smirk about Soowha, just as I did for Taemin ("Act cute?! It'll burn your eyes!!!")

Want to see what happens when two smartassses get married in the BL world? http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/shinkonsan/
A. He was able to get up and go to his apartment after all that sex with Yohan.
1. He confronts a stranger in his apartment and has his phone behind his back to call 911
2 He lied about his identity to said stranger in the spot
3 Even though he is shaken by crazyboy 's attack, he recovers and kicks him in the middle of sprinting away..with a preasskicking one liner, no less..if u thought that was enuf to shake me you've got another thing coming you psychopath!
4 He doesn't run straight to the cafe, he takes a circular route in case he was followed
5 When Jiyhe startled him from behind he punched first, dead hit, bloody nose. Got dammmmn!I
B He offered his seme a BJ as an apology for leaving without telling him as making him worry
C He put his seme in his place after the rough sex/squirting incident
Fuq! this hamster's got teeth!