Manga good, anime lowkey trash

Ash And Tokoyami July 28, 2018 1:01 pm

Wow! This manga is super duper good! If only the goodness went into the anime. . I couldn't watch it anymore because how stupid it sounded, also how they kept repeating the same frames with diffrenet lines, I know you guys have a budget but still, and plus some weird ass moments where a charater could be just floating in mid-air, like Asta when fighting. . the people that came to attack the town? I don't really remeber, but also the scereny made NO sense, like the town was burning and shit, and it was filled with smoke, but it suddenly turns to the castle and you look at the sky, and then WOBAM, No smoke whatsoever? I will legit watch One Piece if it's gonna be like that. Wait actually no, I hate One Piece in genral lol.

    yuki_xan August 22, 2018 10:05 pm

    it's sad because the art in the manga is really good