Cliché, but when talking, just be yourself. When you see him next, do a friendly greeting and maybe bring up your common interests? I get very anxious about these things as well (if you do too, the “as well” part makes sense right). Light conversation works well first off. Just make sure to smile when talking, if you do he’ll feel more welcomed and less intimidated, and look him in the eyes, but not too much. Good luck.

Hey there! I also have no social life and trouble with this stuff too lol I’m not sure what he texted you this morning, but usually I find that asking the person questions about his/herself really helps. It can keep the conversation going and it can give you the opportunity not to worry over what to say next. Then of course, the other person can ask you questions about yourself. So you said he knows some anime/has common interests, so maybe ask some more questions relating to that. Personally, I don’t think it sounds like he’s scamming you. If you meet him out at a cafe or something like that, you can make small talk at the start and then gear the conversation towards common interests or maybe even something new you would like to learn about him. Getting to know someone is really all about connecting with a person in different aspects or areas and learning about them in whatever way works :) Sorry if this doesn’t help at all xD just the ideas that came to mind. I hope it all works out for you!
Met this guy irl (he's actually working for an NPO) he knows anime and we had some commons interests but I have no friends and no social life so I don't know how to interact. He texted me this morning and I have no idea how to answer, how to befriend, and if I'm just being scammed (are dudes working for non-profit organisation really going far enough to meet people in cafés and stuff?)
I would really like a friend and the guy just seemed real nice. For someone afraid to talk to strangers we had quite a long conversation and I never felt anxious talking. I'm just anxious about the next steps to knowing someone.