For the first time i see someone having sex while pregnant tht big. It is okay to have sex...

Chiyochi July 26, 2018 6:37 pm

For the first time i see someone having sex while pregnant tht big. It is okay to have sex if u are in 6-8 month pregnant?

    Leta Cent July 26, 2018 6:45 pm

    I think it is, as long as they are careful. When my sister was pregnant the obgyns told her that having sex would help with contractions lol. They recomended having save sex while close to giving birth since it helps get used to contractions and it should help the birth go faster. They even said that it should be safe since sex is only in the vagina, while the baby is in the uterus and is seperated by the cervics and the placenta. ( my sister couldn't try it out though since she was a single mother but yeah every doctor she talked to mentioned that she could have sex)

    LaLa July 26, 2018 6:48 pm

    Yes, you can practically have sex until you're about to deliver. They even recommend it to start labor (something about the sperm triggering it). Of course, you have to be more careful depending on how far along you are and any health problems.

    Keylime Pie July 26, 2018 7:04 pm

    Definitely safe, mostly awkward

    akleepart July 26, 2018 7:28 pm
    Definitely safe, mostly awkward Keylime Pie

    Truer words have never been spoken.

    minxiscrafty July 26, 2018 7:51 pm
    Truer words have never been spoken. akleepart

    Yeah, It's OK to have sex that far into pregnancy. I did right to term and my baby was still 12 days late. lol