I finally cried today. I guess it's been 4 years since I didn't let even a single tear fal...

Lisa chin July 25, 2018 12:08 pm

I finally cried today. I guess it's been 4 years since I didn't let even a single tear fall from my eyes. I have held these tears for too long. But today it just break through everything. I longed for crying.

There was no reason to cry but it's just feel too suffocating. I feel so lonely and alone, like there's nobody for me. I am feeling so frustrating and sad. Even through I have my family and friends. They r nice and I love them but still for years I always feel that I don't belong anywhere. Like there's no place for me. There's no person for me, nobody knows what I feel, nobody is here when I need them.
In my mind I always have to question that do anybody even care if I am alive or not. I feel like dying. I want to suicide, actually there was a time when I actually try it. But I don't my parents to have shame on me again. I want them to be proud of me. And I try really hard for it, i came first on my high school final year. But I still can't see proudness in my parents eyes for me. I always make them disapoint. I did everything that I can do for them but I am not feeling happy it all been to suffocating for me for years. I know I am not like my big sis but still I want u to be proud of me.

There's nobody for me I want to just die but I can't to it or else even my death will make them hate me.
I want someone just for me, I want to fall in love, I want to experience everything. But this society don't allow it. I hate that I was born In this country.
I am helpless I can't do anything. I endure so much but today I want to brust everything here. I can't stop crying and the most irritating thing is that nobody knows here that I even cried.
Pls tell me what to do
I want to delete everything on my mobile that had been giving me hope that everything will be fine. I even want to delete chrome so I can't come here in this site.

But I know no matter what I have to handle everything on my own, my tears, my feelings even my self.

    Hailey ^.^ July 25, 2018 3:18 pm

    Hey. Those thoughts you’re having, they’re terrible. You gotta get rid of them. There’s always a reason that you existed here. There’s a possibility that your parents doesn’t even know how you feel, you gotta talk to them and if that doesn’t work they’re just poor parents. If that offends you since you respect them a lot, I’m sorry but you can’t put this blame on yourself for the cause of others. Once you grow older, you will be able to go to good college since you had good grades and meet hundreds of different people and you’ll find a person who’ll love you for sure since there are billions of women/men worldwide. You’re just giving up way too early when you have barely begun your life. You gotta hold yourself a bit longer and you can cry as much as you want to, just know that you only have one chance to live. Don’t ruin it by putting an end to it so early. It might be bad this year but surely there were much better times in the past right? If your country is so bad, then all the more reason to work harder to get money so you can move out the country or even travel. You can also try going to different states. You’ll be free before you know it and it might just be better. I’m gonna wish you the best regards and hopefully you work out with your parents and I pray they are understanding of your feelings. I’m sure they love you since they work hard to have you and raise you. Just gotta put those thoughts away and give yourself a chance. I don’t know what else to say but I hope this reach you and if you need anyone to talk to, I’m here even though I’m a stranger but it might help? Anyways I wish you my best regards once again

    Lisa chin July 25, 2018 5:13 pm
    Hey. Those thoughts you’re having, they’re terrible. You gotta get rid of them. There’s always a reason that you existed here. There’s a possibility that your parents doesn’t even know how you feel, y... Hailey ^.^

    Thanks, now I feel much better. Actually after crying and writing this whole big comment, I feel so much refresh, Since everything that I held inside me is finally out. I will work hard. I will try my best to have a happy future. Thanks for replying me.

    yasuha July 25, 2018 9:50 pm

    The best thing you can do, is staying optimistic.
    I know it´s easier said than done, but with small steps you can do it.

    - Write down all positive things in your life, even really small things (like having a bed to sleep, things you like to eat, things you are grateful for)
    - Start the day with a good thought. It can be also small things like "I´m happy that the sun is shining".
    - Do every day something you enjoy. Like taking a bath, or eating something good. And enjoy those moments. And look forward doing those things.
    - Greet people and wish them a good day.
    - Don´t bury your sadness. It belongs also to you. Let it out. If you feel like crying, cry.
    - Write your wishes down in present tense, like "I´ve a nice boyfriend who loves me" (I know it may sound stupid, but it´s kind of wishes to the universe or whatever, but somehow it works sometimes)
    - Be proud of yourself and the things you achieved.
    - If you are that good with your studies, teach someone who is not that good. You are able to learn better and maybe you can find new friends.
    - You can always talk here with us if something is bothering you :)

    I know it´s difficult. But staying depressed makes your life worse. Even small things will turn bad if you only thinks of depressing things.
    Thinking about good things will make your life better. Maybe not tomorrow, but step by step.

    Hailey ^.^ July 25, 2018 11:43 pm
    Thanks, now I feel much better. Actually after crying and writing this whole big comment, I feel so much refresh, Since everything that I held inside me is finally out. I will work hard. I will try my best to h... Lisa chin

    Anytime (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ It’s good to let out all your frustrations because then it’s like a huge lift on your shoulder that you don’t have to carry anymore. I’m so glad to hear that you will try harder ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Lisa chin August 1, 2018 4:14 am
    The best thing you can do, is staying optimistic.I know it´s easier said than done, but with small steps you can do it.- Write down all positive things in your life, even really small things (like having a bed... yasuha

    Thanks na. I will try doing it. I have start to write a dairy.