
valentina July 24, 2018 2:46 pm

I get that Soohan hasnt really been all loud and clear about liking Jiho, but the fact that Jiho was willing to take the recordings of his asshole ex as fact and completely shut out listening to Soohan kinda pissed me off LMAO. Like how do u get mad that Soohan met ur ex when u did the same thing, got kissed, and kept quiet about it....then u dont even bother listening to what he has to say. I already knew Jiho was insecure, but this was peak insecurity. It kinda gets tiring when Soohan keeps getting treated like he has some kind of mastermind plan to ruin Jiho's life when thats not the case. Jiho is just projecting his hurt/ trauma from his ex onto Soohan and until he settles that part of himself, he shouldnt really be worried about a relationship. Soohan also needs to work on communicating his feelings better with words cause with Jiho, actions arent enough

    Dragonaire July 24, 2018 3:07 pm

    YESS- Exactly this... he gives up? Like bro you barely tried in the first place.