From looking at your account quickly, it looks like this is your 2nd day? I don't know if you are aware, but usually you receive all notifications about manga updates at the same time every day so if it was updated today you usually won't receive a message about it until the evening or tomorrow morning depending upon the time zone that you are in.
Sorry for the confusion about the month!! I keep thinking that it's still June because I've been away from the end of June to mid July. But anyways, yeah, the notifications seem to be a bit slow for replies to posts for me rn as well. It gets weird like that occasionally, but usually rights itself after a bit of time
Well at least not completely. For example today Bj Alex was updated but it doesn't appear in my manga updates. It's not the first time time that something like this happens. And it's super frustrating bc I can't keep track of all the mangas im reading. Anyone with the same problem?