Hi guys, i know this has nothing to do with anime or manga but i had the worst day on my n...

Teepannu July 19, 2018 6:57 pm

Hi guys, i know this has nothing to do with anime or manga but i had the worst day on my new job in my new profession and i could really need some cheering up so i can survive tomorrow ;;____;; thank you alljust in advance! <3

    Yurism July 19, 2018 7:04 pm

    This is not easy to do but always think positive! You can do anything, just believe in yourself more (⌒▽⌒)

    Taetaelien July 19, 2018 7:04 pm

    Im still a student (this year is my last of high school) and ive had a lit of first days and man i know how bad they are. Just always remember that first impressions and first days doesnt mean anything and byt the time youll have fun in ur job. I advice u take a shower or eat something you likr to relax yourself . Maybe read a manga or watch an anime . Also thinkin about the day and how worst it couldve been can lessen the stress

    GoldenScale July 19, 2018 7:06 pm

    What's better than an embarrassing story, then ? c:
    Last week, I was cleaning under the shelves at my work place and my jeans ripped behind my thighs, near my ass, on both sides. '^'
    Man, that was awkward, but it was funny. My boss bought me new jeans so I could keep working 'til the end of my shift.

    wintry day July 19, 2018 7:08 pm

    Hang in there~! The first few days or shifts will always feel overwhelming for a new position, but you can see it through~~! Sorry I am not much help, I am currently under training, lolness. But sending <3 and positive energy to you (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Teepannu July 19, 2018 7:13 pm
    Im still a student (this year is my last of high school) and ive had a lit of first days and man i know how bad they are. Just always remember that first impressions and first days doesnt mean anything and byt ... Taetaelien

    I myself just graduated from school too and i'm a beginner without saying. But today my customer wasn't fulle satisfied with the out come and fir few customers my boss helped me. I was so embarrassed and i got feed back that none of my works today were up to the task and i was really surprised and of course really depressed afterwards 'cause i really did think i'm more capable than that. Just trying to get over this feeling and stand up again. Though it's never easy :/

    Teepannu July 19, 2018 7:13 pm
    This is not easy to do but always think positive! You can do anything, just believe in yourself more (⌒▽⌒) Yurism

    You said it :D i have to just reform my thinking patterns today :)

    Teepannu July 19, 2018 7:15 pm
    What's better than an embarrassing story, then ? c:Last week, I was cleaning under the shelves at my work place and my jeans ripped behind my thighs, near my ass, on both sides. '^'Man, that was awkward, but it... GoldenScale

    Oooh i feel you :D but that's something funny afterwards. :) in my case i think i'm developing a trauma xD but maybe i will think of it like that someday :)

    Teepannu July 19, 2018 7:17 pm
    Hang in there~! The first few days or shifts will always feel overwhelming for a new position, but you can see it through~~! Sorry I am not much help, I am currently under training, lolness. But sending <3 a... wintry day

    Thank you! And i can assure you my overwhelming feelings atm are wayyy beyond xD i'm trying my best to just think that tomorrow is a new day! Good luck to you too in your training!

    Mirajane16x July 19, 2018 7:54 pm

    Do what I do, come home from work, stuff your face until you're in a food coma, nap, then binge some anime until u fall asleep

    kmt132 July 19, 2018 7:57 pm
    I myself just graduated from school too and i'm a beginner without saying. But today my customer wasn't fulle satisfied with the out come and fir few customers my boss helped me. I was so embarrassed and i got ... Teepannu

    Part of learning and developping your professional skills is making mistakes and learning from them. Being able to take in constructive criticism and then improving from then is really important. I know it's not easy, but this is the kind of experience that will help in the long-term. It'll be ok, I'm sure your boss wasn't expecting you to know everything on your first day.

    Miku July 19, 2018 9:01 pm

    we had training for my job like a month after I started and I was a total newbie and long story short I cried in front of half the staff (some I didnt even know the names of) but now im one of their best employees. first impressions dont last as long as continuous performance. just show them that you're better than what happened! :D

    Teepannu July 19, 2018 9:06 pm
    Do what I do, come home from work, stuff your face until you're in a food coma, nap, then binge some anime until u fall asleep Mirajane16x

    I didn't feel like eating anything, i just stuffed my stomach full of calpis and went for a walk. Helped me little :D

    Teepannu July 19, 2018 9:08 pm
    Part of learning and developping your professional skills is making mistakes and learning from them. Being able to take in constructive criticism and then improving from then is really important. I know it's no... kmt132

    Yeah, youre right. And newbies are newbies but it sure doesn't feel nice to hear only negative things about your work. But well, just gotta do my everything next time. Only way is up, or that's what they have thought us xD

    Teepannu July 19, 2018 9:11 pm
    we had training for my job like a month after I started and I was a total newbie and long story short I cried in front of half the staff (some I didnt even know the names of) but now im one of their best employ... Miku

    I was really close to crying today but managed to pull through. I really hope i can be one of the best at some point :) i think it's like first step you take is the longest ride xD and only thing i can do is just learn more and use that knowledge. But dear god i'm scared of screwing up xD like everyone else too, i'm sure D

    Taetaelien July 19, 2018 11:42 pm
    I myself just graduated from school too and i'm a beginner without saying. But today my customer wasn't fulle satisfied with the out come and fir few customers my boss helped me. I was so embarrassed and i got ... Teepannu

    It's ur first time so probably you were nervous or even if not , u expected better esult right ? but better resuls come after some work ! i'm sure next time , youll get better results just believe in urself and dont get too depressed ! if we dont make mistakes , how are we supposed to learn ? if we get everything on point from the start line , how are we going to improve !
    it would be too boring if everything went right from the start ! these little mishaps and flaws are what should be your motivation ! good luck ;))