Where does this extra go originally?

Aurinne July 19, 2018 8:34 am

Does this extra originally go here? At the bottom of the scans it says 1.5, so I was wondering if it actually goes right near the beginning (that would be a much more interesting place for it, actually).

    imabanana July 19, 2018 4:27 pm

    But if you look at the art it's recent, in the first chapters the author didn't draw like this so I don't think it belongs to the beginning..

    Aurinne July 20, 2018 8:13 am
    But if you look at the art it's recent, in the first chapters the author didn't draw like this so I don't think it belongs to the beginning.. imabanana

    Oh! That's a good point! I suppose the 1.5 must relate somehow to wherever the extra came from rather than where it appears in the order of chapters.

    imabanana July 20, 2018 11:22 am
    Oh! That's a good point! I suppose the 1.5 must relate somehow to wherever the extra came from rather than where it appears in the order of chapters. Aurinne

    Yes it's probably like that, otherwise I have no idea what that number can indicate xD