I was hoping that the guy would be acting better. but i really cant stand him, there is nothing funny about him he is drawn well but the expression are shit and ruin the laugh. most the little jokes really arent amusing, even if he gets with his step sister shes gotten too used to treating him like shit, and the nose bleed joke is way over done in this one. i hate when they over do the nose bleed just makes me shake my head and think er. echi most is just body shapes, and him being teased by the same joke, its like the same lame ass joke in a different setting. i can only read a bit at a time as i want to know the endding, but it does seem to have a story flow. him real sister is fun
I was hoping that the guy would be acting better. but i really cant stand him, there is nothing funny about him he is drawn well but the expression are shit and ruin the laugh. most the little jokes really arent amusing, even if he gets with his step sister shes gotten too used to treating him like shit, and the nose bleed joke is way over done in this one. i hate when they over do the nose bleed just makes me shake my head and think er. echi most is just body shapes, and him being teased by the same joke, its like the same lame ass joke in a different setting. i can only read a bit at a time as i want to know the endding, but it does seem to have a story flow. him real sister is fun