
Critic July 16, 2018 6:29 pm

what bothers me the most is jisuh leading sunyool on and confusing him. Especially since he should understand how shitty that feels.

And then he just tore sunyool up for no reason, at least he recognized that. But if someone likes you and you don't feel the same, why wouldn't you be direct before you had the chance to fuck them over so royally.

Sunyool really is my favorite character in this, he's the most realistic to me. Not overly angsty in the way no one but prepubescent kids are, not over apathetic . Just going through life and dealing with shit with a smile because wtf else can you do.

    Adeliade July 17, 2018 1:18 pm

    He literally told him that he didn’t like him before this happened and sunyool knew that