
Mynameis July 16, 2018 4:44 pm

I have 0 pity for Inami. I don't give a shit if he did what he did to help the person he loves. But misleading a woman to do PORN without her consent (she was fucking threatened for the love of god) that's unforgivable. I will never pity him. Poor Onoe to meet such an asshole. Thank god he has Kaburagi

    ApolloAresZues July 17, 2018 9:54 am

    Yeah i mean i know they tried to make him more relateable by making his reasons be for love but ummm no. You tricked girls into doing porn against their will. And then threatened them. This goes past romance and enters the dark zone. Normal ppl or decent ppl dont do that.

    Mynameis July 17, 2018 1:20 pm
    Yeah i mean i know they tried to make him more relateable by making his reasons be for love but ummm no. You tricked girls into doing porn against their will. And then threatened them. This goes past romance an... ApolloAresZues

    Right????? Like he is in love and that's supposed to be a legit reason to do that to woman? Fuck that guy, if he was a decent human beign that would never had happened. I can't imagine the hell that poor girl has gone through because of an asshole that convinces himself he is doing that for "love". No, you do this because you are anys horrible person without empathy

    ApolloAresZues July 17, 2018 2:33 pm
    Right????? Like he is in love and that's supposed to be a legit reason to do that to woman? Fuck that guy, if he was a decent human beign that would never had happened. I can't imagine the hell that poor girl h... Mynameis

    Exactly. I kinda wish theyd shown more scenes of the girls situation just so all these ppl pitying or feeling bad for this guy get a wake up call. He's fucked up. Plenty of ppl who are in love or in need of money, dont ever take it this far and resort to manipulating and forcing ppl into pornography. It was a whole choice for him to do it. Its not like HE was forced to do all that. He chose to do it and then was insensitive enough to say he was gonna force Onoe into it. Wow what a great guy. Lastly that girl said she convinced to do it, but at that point it was of her own will. Later on when she wanted to get out of it they threatened her. From that point on it was rape, sex without consent and will. He enabled rape. End of the game buddy. Throw his ass in jail. He doesnt deserve a happy ending.

    Mynameis July 17, 2018 5:08 pm
    Exactly. I kinda wish theyd shown more scenes of the girls situation just so all these ppl pitying or feeling bad for this guy get a wake up call. He's fucked up. Plenty of ppl who are in love or in need of mon... ApolloAresZues

    You are soooo right! He basically enabled rape. THAT has to be illegal. And threatening Onoe? Damn.
    I love that Onoe decided to go through the article, because it was the right think to do. At least , in the end that poor woman got some help.