Yamagi Touma, a high school deliquent is in onesided love with his childhood friend Atsushi Fuyu...unable to accepts his own feeling & the thought of possible rejection makes Touma to distance himself from Fuyu... Although Fuyu tries to close the gap & to mend their broken friendship but everytime he is treated harshly by Touma until one day after an incident..Touma confessed his feelings to his beloved Fuyu...?? will he face recjection..?will Fuyu accepts his feelings...?will thier love story ever progressed ...??
I copied from one of the comments. It sounds sweet but in reality the manga is not.
I re-read this and I am still lost as fuck. Not quite sure what is happening and that black hair guy is changing his personality like he has 10 of them. Is he sweet? Is he abusive? Is he crazy? Is he... dunno what he is honestly. Probably all that.