Ughh just great

blueninja89 July 15, 2018 9:58 pm

and no one thinks it's weird that the seme is obsessed to with the uke he had a one night stand to stalk him through his sister and assault every chance he gets to be alone with him. That's no even remotely flattering that's fucking creepy and gross. But of course it's in the name of love....

    Sachiko July 16, 2018 2:49 am

    Did you read the story at all? The sister was the one stalking him and she pressured him to go out with her. Thx.

    blueninja89 July 16, 2018 3:23 am

    You have to be kidding lmfao. You clearly haven't read the story then if the repeated times the uke has told his sister's "boyfriend" leave me th fuck alone and leave my sister whom you don't even like alone isn't blatant enough for you. Even if she has her own agenda as of now that creep only started dating her because she looked like her twin and then got lucky to use to his advantage. If your some fujoshi so irked by the presence of any female that could come between a relationship between men have with your interdicted misogyny. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸