K I didn't resist it and I read chapter 36. Ofc I won't translate it and upload it here, b...

Mozzarella July 15, 2018 7:55 pm

K I didn't resist it and I read chapter 36. Ofc I won't translate it and upload it here, but I need to vent...
1. It is confirmed, Jiwon was thinking about his Hyung the whole time (TT o TT)

2. Apparently, Jiwon will FINALLY have a decent talk with DG about what's happening, and confronted him about his feelings, reminded him they started it as no strings attached, and said they'd have to break up if DG likes him. AND DG SAID HE DOESN'T LIKE HIM JUST SO HE CAN STILL SEE HIM! I have many feelings about this scene, since I am not sure if Jiwon was being honest in this conversation with DG, or if he was already sure DG liked him and was just manipulating him into not trying for more (judging from his facial expression, I am going for the second option, UGH!) But either way, WHY THE FUCK, DG???

3. DG was all upset, Chanwoo ever the sweetheart came over to have the mandatory friends chat to get some epiphanies... And very correctly reaches the conclusion that Jiwon had been hurt in the past, that he probably still loved that guy, but the guy didn't love him anymore or else they'd be together.

4. Chanwoo my precious boy talked DG through his chances of Jiwon ever changing his mind, and about DG considering his options. I think he said something very sweet about DG having to choose what was better for him (I want a friend like that!).

5. And apparently DG is considering... GIVING UP ON JIWON, if it turns out he really doesn't have any chances. I didn't understand how exactly he's going to find out if he has any chances, but still, THAT'S WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE IN THE BEGINNING OF THE CHAPTER, DG!

Ok, he couldn't have done that because Chanwoo brought a new insight on the situation. But still, if what I understood of the chapter is right, DG will give up on Jiwon if he doesn't have any chances, and I think that's a great step towards proving he's not a pushover. And maybe of curing himself from his adoration of Alex

Also, I somehow have a feeling the Hyung left DG for the other guy in the picture.

    Mozzarella July 15, 2018 8:12 pm

    I didn't translate it btw, I had someone else read it and tell me what happens.

    Coco July 15, 2018 8:36 pm

    didnt the hyung leave Jiwon?? U said DG thats why im confused

    Mozzarella July 15, 2018 8:58 pm
    didnt the hyung leave Jiwon?? U said DG thats why im confused Coco

    yes, Jiwon, my mistake :p

    Coco July 15, 2018 9:01 pm
    yes, Jiwon, my mistake :p Mozzarella

    Hehe its okay

    naru July 15, 2018 9:04 pm

    Man i got so many dislikes when I said he was thinking about his ex and when I said DG should leave that I feel personally vindicated now. Thank you beautiful mozzarella

    Mozzarella July 15, 2018 9:13 pm
    Man i got so many dislikes when I said he was thinking about his ex and when I said DG should leave that I feel personally vindicated now. Thank you beautiful mozzarella naru

    lmao, I was not sure if he was revealing what he actually thought about DG, or if he was thinking about Hyung. I was hoping for the best, tho. ╥﹏╥

    I firmly believe DG should leave, but I'm not sure if that's gonna have the desired effect for the ship. I haven't seen any development in Jiwon that suggests he'd see the light if he lost DG, rather than just passing it off as another person abandoning him and becoming even more bitter.

    So if DG left, at this point it's more likely he'd end up moving on and finding someone new before Jiwon got his head out of his ass.

    naru July 15, 2018 9:22 pm
    lmao, I was not sure if he was revealing what he actually thought about DG, or if he was thinking about Hyung. I was hoping for the best, tho. ╥﹏╥I firmly believe DG should leave, but I'm not sure if tha... Mozzarella

    I agree with everything you said and I wonder if this will turn into one of those mangas where the uke has a whole other relationship before going back to the original love interest. Happens in shoujo sometimes but I don't think it seems right here. Afterall it seems like Alex can still only get it up for DG right? I think some ppl forget he's impotent otherwise lolololol.

    I avtually don't think DGs development is that slow and I think he will be able to be clear about his feelings about both Alex and the relationship in a way that Alex will have to learn to respect him. I don't think it'll go the break up for looooong tome route. But men like alex need to be set straight hehehehehhehehehe ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Mozzarella July 15, 2018 9:55 pm
    I agree with everything you said and I wonder if this will turn into one of those mangas where the uke has a whole other relationship before going back to the original love interest. Happens in shoujo sometimes... naru

    Plot twist: They don't end up together? Lmao, I've seen that happen, but I don't think that's the case.

    I agree, I actually think DG's development has been noticeable, but we can't expect him to do a 360. While it's frustrating to watch him make the same choices over and over again, I think that chapter 36 shows concrete development.

    But while I'd love it to happen, if DG left and Jiwon had to grovel to get him back, it would look way too much like another really popular story that is Make me Bark (omg I really really really love that manwa), so I don't think it's actually gonna happen.

    My bet is that Jiwon's gonna have to face his past to cause a change in him. Maybe he's gonna meet hyung? (It'd be really cliche if DG saw him with hyung and got the wrong idea, but that's a plot device the author's already used before).

    naru July 15, 2018 10:05 pm
    Plot twist: They don't end up together? Lmao, I've seen that happen, but I don't think that's the case. I agree, I actually think DG's development has been noticeable, but we can't expect him to do a 360. While... Mozzarella

    It looks like DG already saw a picture of the hyung in Alex's room right? So I think DG knows. I'm currently using google translate OCR to read ch 36 and damn bless google for improving their software, it actually works!! :')

    I wonder if it'll cut to chanwoo and MD's relationship for a while and come back to Alex and DG? that doesn't usually happen tho.

    AH SO MUCH SUSPENSE. I agree we can't really guess what's going to happen. THe only thing I can say is that it'll have to be done over at least 20-30 more chapters to not seem abrupt

    Mozzarella July 15, 2018 10:34 pm
    It looks like DG already saw a picture of the hyung in Alex's room right? So I think DG knows. I'm currently using google translate OCR to read ch 36 and damn bless google for improving their software, it actua... naru

    Yup, Chanwoo and DG realize that in chapter 36, so DG knows. I actually meant Jiwon meeting hyung in person and DG seeing it, like Jiwon saw DG talking to MD. It's cliche, but the author's done it before. Also, it all seems to be working to DG getting heartbroken.

    Aaaah, I really hope they show more Chanwoo and MD! I usually love the secondary couples in manga, lmao

    naru July 15, 2018 11:17 pm
    Yup, Chanwoo and DG realize that in chapter 36, so DG knows. I actually meant Jiwon meeting hyung in person and DG seeing it, like Jiwon saw DG talking to MD. It's cliche, but the author's done it before. Also,... Mozzarella

    I loveee MD he's so hot and annoying. Chanwoo is a lovely baby so loving. He brought DG chicken liver cuz he seemed like he was down :c so sweeet.

    And yeah you're right. From what I read, Alex says "hyung" and DG is like who is this hyung you're crying in your sleep over? I think DG gets the jist of the situation p much and still in the morning he says he doesn't like him because then they wouldn't get to see each other anymore. AWWW DG MY SON I WANNA PROTEC

    Mozzarella July 16, 2018 1:21 am
    I loveee MD he's so hot and annoying. Chanwoo is a lovely baby so loving. He brought DG chicken liver cuz he seemed like he was down :c so sweeet. And yeah you're right. From what I read, Alex says "hyung" and ... naru

    I want Chanwoo for myself omg!

    I am not sure in that scene if Jiwon was genuinely asking DG if he loved him out of moral responsibility, or if he was manipulating DG into backing off by threatening to break things off if DG loved him.

    I love how Chanwoo said he just wanted DG's happiness, even if that meant giving up on Jiwon, from what I gathered. I think it's an improvement that DG is considering it now.

    naru July 16, 2018 4:09 am

    I think that Jiwon said it to manipulate him. He said something like "I like this relationship as it is, but if you want more than sex I can't meet your expectations and it's better if I find someone else. What about you?" and so then DG had to say something like "I'm fine with it the way it is too." and alex was like "Is that so, ok"

    Or something like that anyway we all know how reliable google translate is. Anyway I think he tried to set boundaries again when in reality he doin way tooooo much

    naru July 16, 2018 4:11 am
    I want Chanwoo for myself omg!I am not sure in that scene if Jiwon was genuinely asking DG if he loved him out of moral responsibility, or if he was manipulating DG into backing off by threatening to break thin... Mozzarella

    DG even thinks to himself that if he says something else they won't be able to meet anymore, so he answers the way he does to buy himself some time. GOOD GOIN DG BBY

    sundae July 16, 2018 9:04 am

    "I haven't seen any development in Jiwon that suggests he'd see the light if he lost DG, rather than just passing it off as another person abandoning him and becoming even more bitter." - but why should it be shown that quickly? Idk if the webtoon would have more than 60 chapters, but if it's the case, the midpoint (chapters 35 & 36) feels at the right place. So it would leave the following chapters as a 'reflection' arc.
    Also, DG started to notice because he realized Jiwon = Alex. But did DG try to approach Jiwon at uni (before he found out who was the BJ?)? From the past chapters, I never felt a sense of admiration or a desire for a Jiwon (or i don't remember it, and that's on me).

    They are at this point where BOTH should think more. Especially now DG is seeing Jiwon as Jiwon and not as Alex. Now it's probably the perfect time for MD and Chanwoo to declutter the situation (while the story becomes about them T_T), or at least make them think about it. Or showing them a good example (forced double date?). They have both experiences, and I feel both of them really want the best for DG and Jiwon. After all, MD realizes Jiwon had stopped talking in past tense and seems fond of him. More than Jiwon being confronted to his ex/hyung, I want to see him having to stay at MD's place (so he won't be in his safe place = his flat), and MD's slyness is perfect for getting under Jiwon's skin (๑•ㅂ•)و✧.

    And DG trying to date other guys could be interesting since he could compare, get to know other experiences, think about when he really wants - because lbr a guy who pushed everybody and isolated his heart because of a trauma sounds like too much to handle as a first experience ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    naru July 16, 2018 10:16 am
    "I haven't seen any development in Jiwon that suggests he'd see the light if he lost DG, rather than just passing it off as another person abandoning him and becoming even more bitter." - but why should it be s... sundae

    I agree with everything you're saying but I think DG has been taking in the whole alex/jiwom ever since he found out. There are tons of panels where he's overlaying Alex's behavior vs Jiwon and I think he likes them both. Wanting him to fuck him as Alex was supposed to be a kink--something DG wouldn't have been able to ask for without MD pushing him. In fact, if anything that's one of the times dg has been most within his rights in their fuckbuddy relationship.

    Regardless, I agree with you and I wonder where this is going next indeed

    Mozzarella July 16, 2018 4:58 pm
    I think that Jiwon said it to manipulate him. He said something like "I like this relationship as it is, but if you want more than sex I can't meet your expectations and it's better if I find someone else. What... naru

    I thought he was trying to set boundaries as well, but I'm not sure if he was doing it genuinely or if he was being manipulative. I have to wait and find out, but given his personality, it agree that it's manipulative.

    At this point, from what I got from DG and Chanwoo's little talk, I like the direction it's going. DG needs to start working on his self love a bit more to lose the stigma of doormat many ukes have.

    Mozzarella July 16, 2018 5:30 pm
    "I haven't seen any development in Jiwon that suggests he'd see the light if he lost DG, rather than just passing it off as another person abandoning him and becoming even more bitter." - but why should it be s... sundae

    My point is exactly that this particular development hasn't happened. If DG leaves now, I don't believe Jiwon's had the necessary development for it to be a catalyst for him to realize his feelings for DG. Rather, it's more likely it's gonna be a repeat of the failure from his past relationship. I agree with you that the next few chapters should be more about reflection, and Jiwon needs to learn introspection a bit more.

    I have no idea why they haven't talked before. My best guess is that they belonged to different social spheres, or maybe that's because DG is a freshman from what I remember. My point here however is that it's true that DG just approached Jiwon because of Alex, but Jiwon also just approached DG for sex. If he was able to have sex with other people, he wouldn't bat an eye towards DG's direction. They are pot and kettle here. I think however that there is a development from DG's perception of Alex and Jiwon, and albeit I want him to get over his infatuation with Alex... But why would he do it? Alex is his wet dream, while Jiwon is just cold towards him. For anyone, the real Jiwon would be hard to love. DG is just putting up with it because of his love for Alex.

    But there is development on that front at least from what I got from chapter 36, but guess what happens when DG thinks a bit more about the situation? DG realizes that maybe it would be better for him if they break up.

    I would really love for DG to break it up and date other guys, Jiwon really is too much to handle for a guy without experience. But at this point, refer to my original point: I don't think Jiwon would realize his feelings and change his ways as much as he'd get even more bitter. He needs some reflection indeed, and I like the idea of using MD to get under his skin.

    Either way, I hope DG gets more experiences and set Jiwon straight.

    naru July 16, 2018 5:45 pm
    My point is exactly that this particular development hasn't happened. If DG leaves now, I don't believe Jiwon's had the necessary development for it to be a catalyst for him to realize his feelings for DG. Rath... Mozzarella

    Btw tho I think he does like Jiwon. He had his little fantasy of Jiwon being nice to him during sex when he imagined the wholesome porno lol. Also when Jiwon was jealous DG was happy as he thought about what his classmates would say over the fact that his sunbae was even jealous over him.