I still fucking hate Hakushima. Dunno how to explain.I get it. Seno lied. So what? Don't ...

SunxMoon July 10, 2018 9:30 am

I still fucking hate Hakushima. Dunno how to explain.I get it. Seno lied. So what? Don't you see that otherwise he wouldn't stand a change. This is what happens when you love somebody too much.(talking from the theory I know) but Hakushima still gives me bad vibes. The other dude is meh. Some people need a more subjective way of thinking

    ToxicRainbowJellyFarts July 11, 2018 3:15 am

    "he lied. So what?" He shouldn't have pretended that's fucking sick

    SunxMoon July 11, 2018 6:07 am
    "he lied. So what?" He shouldn't have pretended that's fucking sick ToxicRainbowJellyFarts

    So what else do you think he could have done after all this time? I suppose you read it until the end. He loved the seme for many years and did all kind of things for him. He spot an opportunity. Do you really think that after all this things he could have done anything else? Pedophillia, murder, that's sick. I just think it's too much hate for him. He is otherwise a pretty good person but everybody hates him just because he lied. Really now, did you saw how the seme reacted when they had an accident? And Seno is the worst, huh?

    Nickname July 11, 2018 1:23 pm
    So what else do you think he could have done after all this time? I suppose you read it until the end. He loved the seme for many years and did all kind of things for him. He spot an opportunity. Do you really ... SunxMoon

    I rarely see anyone hating Seno here. Everyone on his side. But when it comes to Hakushima, well...
    People lose their shit when Hakushima said Seno was ordinary looking when he was in High School. Calling Hakushima is the plain one, his face's no different than Seno. He has no personality, boring and else. I'm not defending Hakushima, but if you read most of the comments here rooting for Seno. More people straight forward bashing Hakushima and his character but still getting many upvotes. While when you did it with Seno, It means started another war in comment section.

    SunxMoon July 11, 2018 1:59 pm
    I rarely see anyone hating Seno here. Everyone on his side. But when it comes to Hakushima, well...People lose their shit when Hakushima said Seno was ordinary looking when he was in High School. Calling Hakush... Nickname

    I actually couldn't care less for either of them. I don't like neither the story nor the characters. It's not my type of story.I just thought that is too much hate for Seno. I commented just because I don't like seeing people hating on something just because is "universally" wrong without thinking about the person's situation. I saw that Hakushima is hated too but the reasons that people gave for hating Seno drawn my attention. I didn't express myself well

    Nickname July 11, 2018 2:49 pm
    I actually couldn't care less for either of them. I don't like neither the story nor the characters. It's not my type of story.I just thought that is too much hate for Seno. I commented just because I don't lik... SunxMoon

    Yeah sorry for not getting what you mean either ^^ I thought what you mean is why people hate Seno's whole being, not morally. because honestly, the three of them getting hate from every side :D

    ToxicRainbowJellyFarts July 11, 2018 4:07 pm

    Morally speaking, Seno was absolutely wrong in what he did and there is no excuse for his behavior

    ToxicRainbowJellyFarts July 11, 2018 4:07 pm

    You can't have a relationship built on lies

    SunxMoon July 11, 2018 4:50 pm
    You can't have a relationship built on lies ToxicRainbowJellyFarts

    You didn't get what I said until now. What about building a relashionship? Their relashionship is bad from many other reasons not just because of his lies. This whole story is pretty fucked up. That's why I commented, people focus just on Seno's lie when they hate him because is " morally wrong" .

    SunxMoon July 11, 2018 4:57 pm
    Yeah sorry for not getting what you mean either ^^ I thought what you mean is why people hate Seno's whole being, not morally. because honestly, the three of them getting hate from every side :D Nickname

    You stated your opinion right and tried to understand my point of view. You're nice :D
    Anyway, I shouldn' t have said that I hate Hakushima without explaing why. *Sigh* What have I done...

    ToxicRainbowJellyFarts July 12, 2018 1:19 pm
    You didn't get what I said until now. What about building a relashionship? Their relashionship is bad from many other reasons not just because of his lies. This whole story is pretty fucked up. That's why I com... SunxMoon

    I don't hate Seno

    SunxMoon July 18, 2018 11:02 am
    I don't hate Seno ToxicRainbowJellyFarts

    Well I never said you do