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Anti hero Manwha help!!
Whats the most manga you've ever read in 1 sitting or a period of time? For...
any sad stories?
Need Major help finding this BL story
Anyone knows if card shark is here or does it have a different title?? It s...
Bored :(
Bro idk
i cant load the page
Pls recommend me
I mean, I get that trolls can be annoying, but some of y'all are really taking this to a personal level. Being so invested in their opinions only gives value to their words and this is true for all bad people in life. You're not always gonna be able to block them out, but you can choose whether to care or not. And honestly, as much as I love this manga site at the end of the day it's just a site. An anonymous site. There is a life to be had outside of it.