
Not Your Friend July 9, 2018 10:46 pm

I'm not so sure about the second couple. Shin's like... 15? And Momose is like 25. Like... that's just wrong.

    TheUnwritten July 25, 2018 7:13 am

    So the part you think is wrong is the age difference but you don't have a problem with incest? That's just weird bro XD!!!!!

    Not Your Friend July 25, 2018 11:24 pm
    So the part you think is wrong is the age difference but you don't have a problem with incest? That's just weird bro XD!!!!! TheUnwritten

    Well, it's not really incest if they're not related, right? Also, if they're both of legal age, and incest is a thing they want to do, that's their own business. (Not that I don't think it's kinda ewies...) But underage anything is just bottom-line wrong. Even if it's just a comic.

    Mangaaddict6676 August 12, 2018 12:48 pm

    The age of consent is 14 so he's not actually underage...

    Not Your Friend August 14, 2018 9:08 am
    The age of consent is 14 so he's not actually underage... Mangaaddict6676

    The age of consent has nothing to do with the illegality of the situation. Younger than 18 is considered underage. Some places 16, some places 20.

    Mangaaddict6676 August 15, 2018 2:03 pm
    The age of consent has nothing to do with the illegality of the situation. Younger than 18 is considered underage. Some places 16, some places 20. Not Your Friend

    No if you're younger than 18 you're not an adult say if you live in europe but if you're over the age of consent you can have sex with another person over the age of consent without it being illeagal

    Not Your Friend August 17, 2018 6:09 am
    No if you're younger than 18 you're not an adult say if you live in europe but if you're over the age of consent you can have sex with another person over the age of consent without it being illeagal Mangaaddict6676

    Dude you're literally talking to someone who has studied law. If you are 17 and you have sex with someone who is 18+, you can be legally charged with rape. Not even sort of joking, I still have my felony papers in my class folder.

    Lucy2 September 20, 2018 11:02 pm
    Dude you're literally talking to someone who has studied law. If you are 17 and you have sex with someone who is 18+, you can be legally charged with rape. Not even sort of joking, I still have my felony papers... Not Your Friend

    But in our country you can have sex at the age of 15
    Dont forget that in some countries man are marrying six years old girls and have sex with them-and they have IT in religion TT.TT thats Wrong. I dont ses age 15 as bad....

    Not Your Friend September 22, 2018 8:32 am

    Age fifteen with another fifteen year old, maybe. Or around there. The man is 25. Twenty-five. One is barely a teenager, the other in his mid twenties. If you can’t understand how this is... not an okay scenario then I won’t be able to explain it to you.

    Lucy2 September 23, 2018 10:25 pm
    Age fifteen with another fifteen year old, maybe. Or around there. The man is 25. Twenty-five. One is barely a teenager, the other in his mid twenties. If you can’t understand how this is... not an okay scena... Not Your Friend

    Well When I was 16 I was dating 24 years old guy. We were togther 2 years and it doesnt seem to be wrong xD if it's okay from both sides? In our history age have never been a problem. Problem now Is pedophilia And sex under 15.

    MystiqueFire December 16, 2018 5:19 am

    My grandma was 15 when she got married and my grandpa was 30, for some countries it's normal to marry your daughter off at a young age

    Not Your Friend December 16, 2018 5:37 am

    Okay, look. Telling me all these different situations with children being with adults is not going to suddenly make me go, “Oh! It’s okay, then.” It still disgusts me.

    MystiqueFire December 16, 2018 6:27 am

    It's okay, i was just saying that for others it's normal. ┐(´o`)┌

    Mangaaddict6676 December 16, 2018 9:00 pm
    Dude you're literally talking to someone who has studied law. If you are 17 and you have sex with someone who is 18+, you can be legally charged with rape. Not even sort of joking, I still have my felony papers... Not Your Friend

    Sweetie do you mean if you are 18 + and have sex with someone who is 18+? And yes I'm agreeing with you I'm trying to say that in Europe if you're both under 18 and over 16 it is legal

    Not Your Friend December 18, 2018 10:18 am
    Sweetie do you mean if you are 18 + and have sex with someone who is 18+? And yes I'm agreeing with you I'm trying to say that in Europe if you're both under 18 and over 16 it is legal Mangaaddict6676

    No, I was saying that in the US, if you’re 18 and you have sex with someone who is 17, you could be legally convicted of statutory rape.

    Lucy2 December 18, 2018 11:33 pm

    Well I don't think that the age of two people in love really matter. 17 years and 18 years... that's like no difference. Different countries different rights. No alcohol and cigarettes under the age of 18 but no sex or relationships? xD i see a lot of older dudes going out with younger girls/boys. Here it's totally fine and nothing weird.. I wouldn't want to go out in a boy in my age - I like mature guys.
    ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Mangaaddict6676 December 19, 2018 5:55 pm
    No, I was saying that in the US, if you’re 18 and you have sex with someone who is 17, you could be legally convicted of statutory rape. Not Your Friend

    Yes but what you actually said was that of you're 17 and have sex with someone who is 18+ you can be convicted

    Mangaaddict6676 December 19, 2018 5:55 pm
    Well I don't think that the age of two people in love really matter. 17 years and 18 years... that's like no difference. Different countries different rights. No alcohol and cigarettes under the age of 18 but n... Lucy2

    Yeah I agree with you!!(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Arlen531 January 26, 2019 12:05 pm

    But they didn't have sex, right? And Shin didn't seem to be hurt by the kiss, so I guess it's fine? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ As long as Momo didn't force Shin to anything, there is no problem.

    Not Your Friend January 27, 2019 5:38 am

    It really shocks me how loose the morals are around here.

    Arlen531 January 27, 2019 9:05 pm
    It really shocks me how loose the morals are around here. Not Your Friend

    It's just a story in manga, no need to take it so seriously. If I were twenty-five and fell in love with a minor, I would wait until he reached the age of 18 to do lewd stuff. But I think kissing an underage person is not a crime.