Wtf Waki

blueninja89 July 9, 2018 6:27 pm

Literally are you fucking serious you’re going to starve yourself announcing on live tv so that it will gain kami’s Attention and he’ll likely come rushing back to take care of your selfish useless ass?! His mother is dying you selfish fuck, let Kami deal with that instead of some guy who barged his way into his home and has all but squated there ever since. Now you’re too apparently chicken to be honest with Kami too! I seriously get that Kami is timid due his circumstances and experiences and might need a push but if the author wants to make Kami have to deal with the reality of a dying parent, getting in a relationship should b far on his agenda right now. Why not unforttunately let her die and then come be kami’s Shoulder to cry on later not make everything about you. God his announcement made me so mad it’s like people who ask someone to marry them at sports games do you really need all that attention for something which people do regularly?! There are much better ways of declaring love without being a narcissist

    Anon a tree July 9, 2018 7:26 pm

    Have you read the next chapter to know he is doing this to get Kami's attention? His boss did threaten him to go on some sort of fast if he gained too much weight, and he has been eating a lot of Kami's cooking.

    lmaonade July 9, 2018 7:34 pm

    wow okay, I don't think the guy is going on a fast for attention. What I got was that now, he doesn't really feel like eating or can't enjoy his food anymore. It's kinda part of his character that affection and food goes together for him. You make it sound like he's doing this by choice, but I'm pretty sure he's genuilly miserable and have a hard time bringing himself to eat.
    Of course he can't do his job like that. And if he can't, of course they'll need him to at least make some annoucement about it.
    They can both have troubles, that affect them and their lives, at the same time. It's not about attention or who has it worse.
    Seriously, calm down, what the heck...

    Yona July 10, 2018 12:21 am

    Anon a tree has a part point but also mushycream369 mushycream explain everything from the book she even put the chapter and the page number in it if you still don’t understand what’s going on I will be gladly write the chapter and the page number it for you you shouldn’t be blaming Waki for stuff that like this his boss told him that he need to go to fasting if he gain more weight. Re-read the whole book if you don’t understand.