Want To Like the Story (And Smut) But Can't Like The Seme

FudanshiBoy July 8, 2018 5:30 am

Ch. 33 Spoilers

"Don't know if he just wants my body or this is his way of showing me how he feels..." He just wants your body.

Jiwon has been nothing but a self-serving jerk these entire 33 chapters. From the jerk comments in chapter one, to the disturbing jealousy scene (as a gay bottom, I was taken out of the reading because I understood just how much pain DG would realistically be in during that scene. There is no way that DG's ass wasn't ripped and he should have been much angrier), to this latest one (yeah, he kissed DG on the neck while drunk, but he also said after DG refused, "But I want to. Don't say no." before plugging it in anyway. This isn't about his love/lust for DG, its about getting off), Jiwon has no redeeming quality.

I want to continue reading to see when Jiwon acknowledges his interest in DG and hopefully has an arc of trying to makeup for being such a jerk (and if DG will stop being stupid and recognize that he doesn't deserve this treatment), but I can't pretend that any of this is a romance.

    Diamond July 8, 2018 5:35 am

    Eh...you're actually wrong. You should pay attention to what MD said in the beginning of chapter 33.

    FudanshiBoy July 8, 2018 5:58 am
    Eh...you're actually wrong. You should pay attention to what MD said in the beginning of chapter 33. Diamond

    He said Jiwon follows his instincts and that he once called him hyung a bunch of times and clung to him.

    In terms of his instincts, there's not much to dissect there. Its too broad a statement other than to say he doesn't overthink things and just does things without a filter.

    As for the hyung part, you could say he becomes more affectionate, yes. And again, I acknowledge that he did kiss DG's neck.

    But again, Jiwon's words and actions show that he's really just acting for his own self-pleasure. After DG said no, Jiwon immediately tried to sweet talk his way into having sex before putting it in anyway.

    kyra 23 July 8, 2018 6:02 am
    He said Jiwon follows his instincts and that he once called him hyung a bunch of times and clung to him. In terms of his instincts, there's not much to dissect there. Its too broad a statement other than to say... FudanshiBoy

    I disagree. Being that Ive read the raws, I disagree with what you said.

    FudanshiBoy July 8, 2018 6:04 am
    I disagree. Being that Ive read the raws, I disagree with what you said. kyra 23

    Well, I look forward to reading the future chapters and finding out. These are just my thoughts on what's been shown up to chapter 33.

    Leech July 8, 2018 7:07 am

    Im with you on this

    brynn July 8, 2018 8:01 am

    Nah, that's quite a weak point. And DG I hope you realize something about him. He's not in love with Alex, at least not yet. It has always been infatuation since the beginning. If he really did, he would have tried to understand why Alex is being such an asshole rather than keep whining about being ignored.

    He's a freaking flat character I tell you. And until he started to see Jiwon as a flawed human, and not the ideal boyfriend he made up in his fantasies, he better stay away from Jiwon. Because we know in the end, both of them are gonna get hurt if they go further than this. Especially Jiwon.