Garbage? U mean you?
For ur information, if u are talking about you discussing the work and giving reviews, u are just here trying to offend everyone. If u rlly want to give a proper review u should give us something thtll make it better, since u r just too smart enough to judge ppl's work with such offending and disgusting words. (Just like you)
If u cant handle ppl's advices to stop with the negative comment, thn u need to grow up, as not everyone got the time for someone as childish as you.

LMAOOO Why're you getting so heated??? You want something that'll make it better? You got it! The plotline is very flat and dull and the flow is awful, it makes it near impossible to get into the story and empathize with the characters because of how stiff and out of nowhere their behavior is. This work needed loads more planning and character development put into it before it even came out, because even i thought it had potential. The evil girl is such a 2D undeveloped character like "entitled rich girl thinks she deserves everything and is bullies the people who have what she wants" like we haven't seen her character in 5 million other works. The evil guy's actions towards the girl he betrayed are dumb bc if he's gonna go all out and betray this family then he might as well go all the way through and kill the sisters too. If he really thought they didn't deserve it he should've just left them for dead in a far away remote region instead of locking them up and keeping his ex-lover close to him bc he secretly still has feelings for her and doesn't know how to fucking communicate. I could go on and on about the wasted potential of this story in just the first couple chapters but I won't bc this story isn't as important to me as it clearly is to you. You really think im here to offend all of you??? I don't even Know you guys what do any of your feelings matter to me?? You really think you guys are that important to me or anyone else on this website???????

Omg yeeeeeesssss I stopped at ch15 since it was sooo annoying. The emperor ML wanted the princess to love him after killing her parents. WTF. If you loved the woman you should not have killed her parents and made her experience the pain you felt when you lost your father and then you expect her to behave and be yours wellll fuuuuuuck that. If I were the princess and he did that to me and he still has the gall to say he loved me well boy fuck you Imma go to the yellow springs and join my parents and at the same time slander you with my blood message on the walls

RANT INCOMING you've been warned
It's highkey relatable the moment u comment ur opinion on something, not really trying to like offend people, just giving your flat opinion and there comes in this person who starts calling you names and all that fun stuff. And u sit back and just go like.... I have no clue why you're insulting me..... but I haven't even insulted u??? So why??? Cuz it's understandable when they say it back cuz u say it to them first but if u didn't then?????why????? But I get where you're coming from completely, the reason why the random person got hella heated was proably just cuz of ur choice of words(they were quite strong). XD I felt like this had so much potential as well, but as u said they skipped a lot of chatacter developement and like background information for characters that make them feel more real and relatable. It's as if the author isn't giving the actual storyline decisions much thought and doesn't plan out like the the hidden agenda of everyone beneath the surface. Also the paneling was really confusing. Like they draw better then me 100% but it got kind of hard to read, like the part where the white haired dude got whipped. And he smirked(I get why but where is the grimace, u just got whipped)???? Uhm u aren't in pain??? R u just faking it??? Or what? But yeah just repeating what u said mostly lol but me 2, u relatable.

If you don’t like it shut your freaking mouth and stop disrespecting the author I actually really like this manga and the author wrote this manga while you bitchs are writing something this negative

Uhm. Since the bad word is plural I'm guessing I'm included so...... X'D funny you say that when you are also here giving your opinion on our opinion... we hadnt asked for your opinion either so you are doing exactly what you hate seeing from us. It's not as if you can't do that or anything but why can't we just respect each other's opinions, and not call each other names? I JUST ranted about that LMAO. I haven't in anyway, said anything BAD about anyone who LIKES this so why are you trying to start problems? When creating there will always be negative but there's also positive, if you like it the GOOD FOR YOU, if we have a couple problems then GOOD FOR US. I don't understand why you gotta start name calling though? But I sorta see where you're coming from since the original comment does have strong language.

didn't realize i had to be on my absolute best behavior on the internet at all times. sorry @mom, no more bad words, little strangers on the internet who are not affected at all by anything i do or say on here say i have to like everything the internet shows me and showing any dislike for anything i do not enjoy is against the law and punishable by death ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
uwu poor author, it's not like reading valid criticism will help improve their work and any future work they might have uwu let's say onwy good things so cweators nevew evolwve to make bettew pwopewly devewoped ideaws and stay hewwe and gwow mold haha epic

@Nana Excuse me but they at least wrote a manga a lot of people like beside who are you to judge when can’t even spell your words how about you go to kindergarten maybe they might teach you how to fix your attitude and spelling
Why am I even wasting my time with a kid that haven’t even looked at themselves in the mirror
You can bitch all you want I’m leaving it’s not like the author even have time for stupid kids like you go to school kid

yea bro why r u wasting ur time here i didn't tell all u weirdos to come and bitch at me bc i said i didn't like ur little story lmao nothing about this matters enough for u guys to be expelling all this energy to me, someone who could care less about how much u love this story and this author and how much u hate me for something i commented Last Year. relax brother all this anger is gonna kill u early its 2019 we're taking care of ourselves now

This story is good for you but not for us. Just because you like it doesnt mean we have to like it too. @nana posted her comment to show how she hates and how she sees the story and I agree. This has a horrible plot and unlikable characters. The author made poor choices and bland interactions within the story. Its subpar compared to other xianxia webtoons in mangago and honestly this webtoon is bad
The reason people tell how horrid something is to scrutinize a piece of work and tell how they fell about it, and it would deter other people with similar tastes from reading subpar and boring webtoons. Now if you don't like people saying bad things about this particular webtoon then prove to us and explain how good this webtoon is instead of being childish and resorting to namecalling and other mean remarks. Because frankly it shows how pathetic you are. And note If you want to win an argument give facts and beat your enemies down with it

First, she kinda said it already,
We appreciate, ur comment/ reply/ ur opinion
But not needed anymore,
We tried ending it already (in a peaceful way xD)
So yeah, point is, lets not start an argument againn ahahahahha lol
(But yes, i totally agree, diff ppl w/ diff taste, so we most likely cant help it,
So yh i learned to just shut up whn someone's giving their honest opinion)
this story is garbage dont waste your time. the characters are boring, the art sucks, and the storytelling sucks ass. trying to read this droning story just pissed me off it's so bad
edit: hey its 2019 now, i know my wording was harsh and i'll apologize for that, but i still don't enjoy this story lol. there is some fair critique below. won't be deleting tho bc sometimes i like to look back at "this aint hate, its karma" and have a laugh. life's fun.