
Maddy July 7, 2018 5:54 pm

You know,,, I like Yujin and Shiwoo but man.. while reading this I put down my phone and said, “Wellll Fuckkkkkkkkkkk”. I can’t handle how Shiwoo is with Yujin for sex while he’s off with his ex fucking. I hope this manga ends well cuz I might cry.

    Betxso July 7, 2018 9:00 pm

    I actually just finished reading this manga and i read sone coments, and you read my mind i like shiwoo but then i got wo triggerd when he went with that freaking ex manger i honsetly feel so bad for yujin my poor baby yujin. Im freaking mad shiwoo and ex mangaer. But lets wish that theres a happy ending for yujin