Dear humans, you're so quick to judge before. And when there are people who backed up Alex...

brynn July 6, 2018 5:46 pm

Dear humans, you're so quick to judge before. And when there are people who backed up Alex, you called them hypocrites and etc. "As long as he has good look, you don't mind his asshole attitude toward DG blah2"

Now there's Alex side of story, you sympathize him. You foolish mortals.

    Tsundere July 6, 2018 6:02 pm

    I love Alex, I'm not a bad person because I love him!

    kyra 23 July 6, 2018 6:19 pm

    I've always liked Jiwon. I knew he's an asshole...his looks have nothing to do with it (well, to me). I just wanted to know why he behaved that way and learn more about him.