Well he got out from his house and run away that guy was trying to cought him but he could not so while he is running away he go to his lover house ( the guy cant hear) (also he maybe not his lover) anyway he run to him so he discovered that there is a mark on his neck so he hide it (throttle mark because of that bad guy) so he wont to have sex with the his lover (again the that guy cant hear) and when he take his clothes he saw the marks on his neck and he was shooking and asked him who done that then ....TO BE CONTINUED and that all oh and while he was running he bummed into the person that the friend of his lover (the deaf guy) that had crush on him...and he bunched him by mistake X3 and that all i hope that i helped u guys if i dont sorry (⌒▽⌒)
Guys sorry to say that but i know what did happened next i read it but i wont tell what happen but if u guy won't to know tell me ok ..but really i didn't expecting that -_-