you can't tell me this is normal anymore

Spezyra July 5, 2018 3:44 pm

OH OUR CHINESE BITCH WERE LONELY HOW CRUEL AND SAD BC IT IS OBVIOUSLY NOT HIS FAULT :((( *wipes fake tears away* no seriously,wtf.I am really glad that siwon pushed him away.But the end with kang jinha confused the manhwaga going for a threesome,which is not what i expected from a cute manga (ignoring the last chapters)?or is she going to ship these two(chinese bitch x kang)?If that happens, I'm rellay out.She would destroy her whole plot with this.Before siwon became a dumb nasty bitch,everyone wanted siwon and kang to have a happy relationship.Now this is still wtf.

    Spezyra July 5, 2018 3:46 pm

    oh and yes,I noticed that kang probably wants to beat the shit outta the chinese bitch,butttt the manhwa surprised me in so many ways that I don't trust what's coming