Extra out NOW!

Foxglove July 5, 2018 8:41 am

It is my pleasure to anounce that Sweet Indulgent finally released one of the extras for this story on our website sweet-indulgent.blogspot.com.
We are really sorry for the long wait, we are really running low on staff. What we are most in need of are cleaners, korean/japanese and at least one chinese translator, typesetters would be cool... so yeah, basically we need everything. But: NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! If you want to join we can explain everything you need to know. Even if you dont want to join, maybe you want to visit us on our Discord Channel and cheer us on? We are looking forward to see you!

    Kio July 10, 2018 11:07 pm

    Thanks for the hard work! Please, please keep going on.

    Nikka ♧ July 10, 2018 11:10 pm

    Thank you so much for all your hard work!! And i am sorry i am not one of these guys you were looking for. I'll definitely cheer on you but maybe later since I'm currebtly going to work hahaa