uke is a hypocrite

crazygirlart3 July 5, 2018 6:05 am

the uke was upset when the seme was apparenetly using him for inspiration when the uke is a gold digger (/TДT)/

    clouds July 5, 2018 6:26 am

    He's materialistic, likely due to his financially deprived background, but I disagree that he is a "gold digger". Hye-sung is either under employed or unemployed throughout this series, and still only 20 years old. He has no family support network either. For someone in his position to potentially have to pay the costs associated with healthcare related to pregnancy, birth and aftercare as well as the possibility of providing for a child whilst a single parent would be financially impossible or crippling. Hye-sung, motivated by his friends words, tried to get some security from Dojin in terms of the costs associated with this event. In regards to the money spent on trinkets and tat, well Dojin should carry some responsibility. Dojin is using his wealth as a means to try and keep Hye-sung in his home, and potentially with him. Rather than have a conversation about his feelings towards him, the prospect of marriage, but then also accepting if Hye-sung rejects him. Dojin's background likely influenced his spending ability and habits, just as Hye-sung's is influencing his.

    youraedthiswrogn July 5, 2018 6:42 am

    Yeah, i think so too. We don't really know anything about his backstory to reference it as a reason for anything and he hasn't struggled at all since he's been being provided for by Dojin. Hyesung was dressed pretty nicely at the beginning when he was rich omega hunting, he must have SOME money. He also thought he was an alpha at first and carried himself that way, he doesn't mention having troubles with jobs, does he? He's pretty obviously a gold digger just from the way he acts, tbh.

    Kazenami July 5, 2018 5:24 pm

    I'm agree on that. I don't know about his past yet but he just in the end use Dojin for money. He even use the baby to get money and I hate it. If he become like that because of his past then that's mean he didn't overcome his past. He just run away. Anyway, is he even think about the baby?

    jimenaF July 5, 2018 5:30 pm

    Right? At this moment he's nothing more than an expensive whore.

    Yumiswife July 5, 2018 8:49 pm

    Honey the semes a rapist. Who rapes him for "inspiration"

    bimblefrog July 5, 2018 9:00 pm

    umm you missed the part where he wanted to leave Dojin's house and continue working at the cafe? did you also miss the part where dojin upped his pheromones and then raped the uke finalizing with a knotting situation? what dojin is providing monetarily is minimal with what Hyesung has had to put up with. dojin even forbade him from working!!

    youraedthiswrogn July 5, 2018 11:01 pm
    umm you missed the part where he wanted to leave Dojin's house and continue working at the cafe? did you also miss the part where dojin upped his pheromones and then raped the uke finalizing with a knotting sit... bimblefrog

    Did you miss the part where when Hyesung DID try to leave the house to find a job he ended up being bailed out of a fake interview for a sex scam by Dojin who then found him a good job? Did you miss the 3 scenes where Hyesung ALSO forced Dojin into sex? "forbade him from working" because he is pregnant and Dojin plans to take care of everything... Lol. Also, that scene isn't at all how you're making it out to be, it was an accident. Not up for debate, it is said, explicitly. It is canon, not an opinion. Dojin was overcome by his pheromones, he didn't mean to bring him to his room, have sex with him or knot him. In the same way Hyesung didn't those other times. Look at the scenes where Hyesung "rapes" Dojin, they're able to talk and do things, but it's all instinct, they aren't in control. He also didn't release his pheromones "to rape him", he released them because Hyesung said "are you threatening me?" when he got stressed and accidentally released a small amount RIGHT before he fully released them. He's upset Hyesung is implying he even WOULD threaten him, look at his dialogue after he lets them out: "have i ever let my pheromones out around you? I was nice to you, i let you make yourself at home. Why are you always trying to leave?". He was letting them out to make the point that Hyesung doesn't know what they feel like because he's never used them on him before, they then shortly overcame him resulting in the accident.

    Yumiswife July 6, 2018 6:52 am

    youraedtgiswrogn Do you copy and paste this arguement on all Dojin bashing comments because it must be hard having to type out arguements that can easily be refuted. Do you ever consider that you might be fighting for the wrong team?