Yes, all the men who rape in this manga are at fault. No, the women who are raped, here, are not at fault. The fact that you come away with the feeling that both are not or are at fault is the exact same concept this story is trying to speak AGAINST. Because, yes, society blames women for men's as well as their own actions and all of the consequences therein. Which is gross. Thanks.
No. Thank you. For being one of the people who keep thinking that abuse only have one source, that aren't a cultural thing, that women can't do anything about that. It's not about blaming the victim, it's just about starting to think that women can be an active part in their life, stand up for theirself, fight the thought that only because your are a woman you should stay silent. Which is gross.
The protagonist think that being a man is where the fault lies, which is completely absurd, she is a person who is terrified and think she can't do anything except go where the abuse tell her to and do what he says, like she is just supposed to do so. She even blame herself for feeling pleasure and she internally mock her "friend" and the worst thing is that when the boy told her he was abused she told him it can't be because he is a man. Talking about gross.
But well, as I person that was abused for years I feel completely comfortable saying the first step is starting to think you're not only a victim, but you are a person with a say in your life and at some point (with exception) you can decide what happen to you
...in this manga everyone seems kinda at fault... And ..not at fault
Reality really well portrayed