are they confusing hosts with escorts because from my understanding hosts aren't required to have sex or be intimate with their clients. But if it's a licensed sex work where there's the expectations of sex as one of the services then it's legal prostitution/escorting.
Hi translator here! There is a fine line between the too and in this particular setting they are escorts with host background. Same with in real life if you go to a host club and you offer money for sex some of them might take it. However in this story the MC is working at a brothel.
Hi translator here! There is a fine line between the too and in this particular setting they are escorts with host background. Same with in real life if you go to a host club and you offer money for sex some of... KuronNekoHideyuki
are they confusing hosts with escorts because from my understanding hosts aren't required to have sex or be intimate with their clients. But if it's a licensed sex work where there's the expectations of sex as one of the services then it's legal prostitution/escorting.