This has nothing to do with manga, but...

OtakuGirl1 July 2, 2018 8:09 pm

This has nothing to do with manga, but I need advice. Okay here is the story.
I work at this restaurant and it does not pay that good at all, and it is getting harder to work there, but all my most important friends work there. Including the man I love (have a crush on) works there too. It is my only way of seeing these people and being around them.
The thing is that I got a second job that pays really good, but my job at the restaurant is causing problems with scheduling.
should I quit my job at the restaurant and face a huge chance of losing contact with the ones I deeply care about?
or stay and deal with the stress and hardships that come from a job I no longer want to do?
Please help
Thank you for all the advice

    MyUsername July 2, 2018 5:55 am

    You can't talk to these people by phone, messages or internet? Or meet them in weekends? Anyway, 2 years ago, I had to move to another city and I won't lie, it was hard in the beginning, but with time, I found some new friends and I still talk to my old friends online. It's not the same thing and I miss some of them, but you probably will find new friends, so if I was in your place, I would go to the new job. Your job don't pay well and it's terrible, if you got a chance to get out, why won't you? But anyway, you are the only who can decide, I hope I helped even a little. :)

    Kappnem July 2, 2018 5:55 am

    I mean... if you deepy care about them you should make an effort to keep in touch, if they don't want to return the favor, it just goes to show what you mean to them. Climb higher for yourself, dont let anyone hold you back. Quit the job and gather more experiences. Its not like they'll work there forever either.

    Lucy July 2, 2018 5:59 am

    I say go with the job that makes you happiest. If it means leaving where all your friends are why wouldn't you keep contact with them? I have kept contact with my girl from job 2006 i still talk to her she lives across the country. Hope this helps.

    Lady Luck July 2, 2018 6:21 am

    I quit a job that was crap - by now most of the friends that I had there have quit as well, but we all keep in touch and meet on a quite regular basis, so there's absolutely no point staying at that restaurant.

    1OvErDoSE01 July 2, 2018 6:27 am

    I think you should quit your job and go for the second job. You're practically holding back from getting your second job because the people you get along with are in one area. If you no longer want to do the job, quit.
    The people you talk to, of course are important, but you should place yourself first. You might even make new friends. You could try to take this as a chance for independence, away from the people you usually talk to.

    OtakuGirl1 July 2, 2018 6:09 pm
    You can't talk to these people by phone, messages or internet? Or meet them in weekends? Anyway, 2 years ago, I had to move to another city and I won't lie, it was hard in the beginning, but with time, I found ... MyUsername

    Thank you,