hmmm (Thoughts on uke) (Some spoilers)

aikochii July 1, 2018 10:17 am

Many people are hating on the uke (Hana) and how he is always after the sex. Though this is what I think:
1. He gets all his ideas about love mainly from yaoi manga and of course he mentions various times how he wants to feel good and fall in love with his perfect seme (Tsuchiya). Although it is a happy ending and they seem in love, it seems in the beginning the uke had more of an infatuation of love rather than the real thing itself.
2. Uke hadn't quite grasped the idea or feeling of "true love", some people confuse lust for love, vice versa. So maybe the uke felt that if they would have sex it would "bring the two together as one and they are lovers".
3. Based off the first thoughts, the uke got all his ideals off of yaoi manga and is very clueless on the REALISTIC version of love, because of the first time they tried to have sex it shattered all of his fantasies of yaoi sex and weren't able to have sex, so it leads to the idea that if they can't have great sex his "dream" of having great yaoi sex goes down the drain. At this point I do think he does like the seme but not enough to satisfy his lust for sex, as in his idiotic mind "sex is everything in yaoi" Which causes his 3 living braincells to go on a dating site to experience sex. (He follows too many yaoi tropes, which also adds of my first 2 points) Though however because of this act from his explanation he realizes that although his lust is important it's better to be the one with he loves even if it isn't great. With the next actions of the uke it seems he really does regret what he did. It seems he finally began to mature (just a bit tho) and realize his love.

(Also A++++++ seme like bruh you are an angel sent by the heavens and I hope you and ya uke fall deeper in love.)
(There are other things to mention but I thought I'd just leave it here,) (

So the true moral of this story??

Don't always get love/dating/anything really from mangas or anything too fictional.
(Also this is just my thoughts and opinions so please don't go thrashing at what I thought about the uke)

    rii July 1, 2018 10:32 am

    yess!! imo the uke is shameless and too delusional but he's like a realistic portray of someone innocent who only knows 'love' from yaoi. i mean, yaoi comes with unrealistic portrayal of love and some equally unrealistic sex, so when someone only use yaoi as referrence, ofc it wont meet their expectation.