Uke is annoying, seme is annoying, story is annoyoing, dialogue are annoying, everything i...

vaka July 1, 2018 1:24 am

Uke is annoying, seme is annoying, story is annoyoing, dialogue are annoying, everything is... yes, you guessed it... annoying!
It's ok, that uke is innocent and completely inexperienced in sex... that's understandable.
But, jesus christ, he is blunt, slow, egocentric, completely childish, puerile, insensitive, and he speaks in harsh, inconsiderate way. Why? Because he is as silly as a goose. And sometimes I think that he doesn't know what he wants, he doesn't know who he is, and he doesn''t know that the sun does rise in the east... -_- I think he should wait for a few years with sex and relationship because now he's still a kid. You shouldn't have sex until you're ready. And not when you're just so immature. And one more thing - it's important - it's not just about sex (he's not immature because he's unexperienced in sex) but about everything. First of all, he is silly in matters of love, relationships and life.

    shii July 1, 2018 1:07 am

    "Author is annoying"? What did the author do to you... ( ̄∇ ̄")

    vaka July 1, 2018 1:22 am
    "Author is annoying"? What did the author do to you... ( ̄∇ ̄") shii

    Because she wrote a bad story...? :D Ok, I'm only kidding. It was just the mental shortcut. I should wrote "story" not "author", sorry Author, wherever you are.. ;)

    Jayachem July 1, 2018 4:54 pm

    Ah I find it to be very childish, but I think it's fine because they ARE children. Inexperienced and stuff. True, they should be smarter being in... I think high school? But I don't find them annoying? People are imperfect, so I don't think this story is too far fetched or irritating. This is my input ^^