When you fiction mimics your life.

blueninja89 June 30, 2018 10:33 pm

Alex is just like the fuck bois I've dealt with and been victim too in my own life and sometimes I forget he's not real and can't truly hate him for being so horrible to DG who doesn't know any better and doesn't know his self worth. In real life I'd hope DG's friend would some how find out about his and Alex's relationship and convince him to leave because Alex is the kind of guy who would emotionally destroy you and not care.

    sangrientaluna June 30, 2018 11:00 pm

    yeah i had the similar issue tho returned the favor in a way enough. It is really hard to swallow his actions when you think it in real life situation as you know this will probably reach a happy end if the author is not planning to torture us.
    Really those kinds of people are easy to spot most of the time since they're too quick to trying to charm and pressuring you somehow. Best medicine is usually even if you're interested letting them know they're sh*t but at the moment you're just selfish enough to mind your own fun. Also it's nice to remind them you have no goals to be nice person. This sinks bad when they think they tricked you and they notice the only pride they left is to make you believe they're not. As long as you don't change your attitude you are winner. To me they tried to chase me (some still do), still got them blocked. But it's good to remember people don't change easily. Even if they're obsessed you dunno who's gonna be the next.

    sangrientaluna June 30, 2018 11:00 pm

    sorry for long novel of reply. just me thinking loud as well

    sangrientaluna June 30, 2018 11:02 pm

    also sorry for many mistakes. wrote too fast and 0 proofread

    blueninja89 July 1, 2018 1:28 am
    also sorry for many mistakes. wrote too fast and 0 proofread sangrientaluna

    no it's fine. admittedly I am confused as to what you actually wrote but I think I got the gist of it. I just had to have a mini rant because while I really love the art work here, I've dealt with too many Alex's in my life to be sympathetic to their usually selfish and small man self esteem where if they're hurt they resort to hurting others far worse to feel in control. It's a real lack of maturity regardless of how "adult" like they are for their sexual and life experiences. Plus with how mangakas always make the badboy have a sob story, it just so annoying that people are never held accountable for their actions, something that despite is fictional is very very real in relationships between someone like DJ and Alex in real life.

    SOPHY12 July 1, 2018 2:25 am

    I agree with you. What's worse is that alot of girls are reading this and thinking the behavior is okay. I had a friend who was almost destroyed by a fuckboi. She was just a warm mouth and a wallet to him, but she always went back.