Not ongoing

criativityNOTFOUND June 30, 2018 10:29 pm

Hi! Do you know when a manga is labeled as ongoing but, after read it you conclued that the story is finnished? Does anyone know good yaoi mangas like that? Or a list that focus on that? Is just i try not to start an ongoing manga because i don't have any patience to wait for updates aaand cliffhangers are my nightmare... Thank you and have a nice weekend! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    criativityNOTFOUND June 30, 2018 10:44 pm only some extras are left out one is episodic. so n... poisen.ivy

    Thank you! :)

    poisen.ivy June 30, 2018 11:24 pm

    your idea was so good... I started to put some in a list
    guess I will also never finish it bec. I am lazy like hell #-.-)

    criativityNOTFOUND July 1, 2018 12:03 am
    your idea was so good... I started to put some in a list I will also never finish it bec. I am lazy like hell #-.-) poisen.ivy

    Oh don't worry, i am also a little bit lazy ahaha. by the time i make a list with a good amount of mangas, i will probably have white hair ahaha however i will try. my strategy will be like: go to the yaoi page, search with "ongoing" selected and order the mangas by date starting with the oldest ones. then i will start look for mangas that haven't been update for a long time and then i will start read them to see if they are finnished. BUT if i start to see too much cliffhangers i will gave up... i am not that strong... btw so you mind if i follow your list? if you are interested mine is:
    but it only have yours recomendations plus two mangas that i read recently. i will try looking for more ;)

    poisen.ivy July 1, 2018 8:41 pm
    Oh don't worry, i am also a little bit lazy ahaha. by the time i make a list with a good amount of mangas, i will probably have white hair ahaha however i will try. my strategy will be like: go to the yaoi page... criativityNOTFOUND

    lets follow each other :)
    for your idea (special searching for ongoing ones) you could also just try to
    read the comments. sometimes you'll see it there too.